
Duke Kahanamoku

by Elden Manangan from United States


123660Duke Kahanamoku and his board waves come crashing onto the beach, a boat capsizes of the coast of California. Seeing people struggling to keep afloat above the water, a Hawaiian man jumps into action. He grabs his 100 pound surfboard and rescues eight people from the wreck. The man who was responsible for this heroic act was Duke Kahanamoku. Duke was born on Waikiki Beach on August 24th, 1890 and was one of the last full-blooded Hawaiians. Duke was an excellent swimmer and spend most of his time in the sea. He is known for his revival of the ancient sport of surfing and spreading kindness to the people of Hawaii. Duke Kahanamoku did more than just surf; he is a hero for his selflessness towards others  and his joyful personality.

Duke Kahanamoku was a true hero for his selflessness towards others. In 1925 Duke noticed a capsized ship off the coast of Corona Del Mar: “Kahanamoku will always be remembered as a true hero. In 1925, he and a group of friends saw a boat capsize during a fierce storm off the coast of southern California. Without hesitation, Kahanamoku grabbed his surfboard and, making three trips through violent waves, personally saved eight people in a disaster that claimed seventeen out of twenty-nine lives.” (Zia) Dukes willingness to help people saved eight people's lives. Duke knowingly put himself into danger to save the lives of others. His initiative to save people shows that he is a hero to his community. Duke displays that he is a hero through his willingness to help society: “Kahanamoku trained American Red Cross volunteers in life saving water techniques. Also he toured the nation with other American aquatic champions to raise funds for the Red Cross.” (Gale) Duke’s eagerness to pass on his swimming techniques helps save lives. People now can be more efficient in water and could save thousands with his swimming technique. Duke Kahanamoku is an inspiration today for putting himself before others and his contribution to the public.

123675A picture of Duke during his visit in Australia showed that he is a hero by inspiring the people around him. An example of Duke being inspiring, is when he surfed a gigantic wave showing the people to be brave: “Some of the surf rides Kahanamoku took are legendary. Perhaps his most famous occurred in 1917, on a monster wave generated by the aftermath of an earthquake in Japan. The sight of the wave caused many people to run for shelter. Kahanamoku propelled his surfboard to catch the wave, despite its apparent danger.” (Gale) Duke showed the world that he was fearless by riding the gigantic wave. People were in awe at Dukes bravery. Many people viewed Duke as a good-natured man who did manny courageous acts. Duke toured around parts of the world at surfing exhibitions. Places he visited like Australia, he showed the populace his swimming skills: “Duke started touring the world to teach his famous "Kahanamoku Kick" swimming technique. But he would change one country in particular. Forever. On the 23rd December, 1914, the dark-skinned athlete was the star of the first-ever surfing exhibition in Freshwater Beach, Sydney, Australia.” (Pinto). Duke introduced surfing to Australia in 1914. People gazed in awe to his outstanding surfing and swimming capabilities. Duke spread and revived  Hawaii's ancient culture of surfing. This made people look up to Duke as he retained the tradition of surfing. Duke showed people that the ocean wasn't scary. His surfing showed people that you can have fun and enjoy ocean activities. Duke is praised by many to be their idol. He continued to spread the sport of surfing in other places. When Duke traveled around the world he was looked upon as a hero.

123691Duke right after a swim in the ocean was a true hero for Hawaiians. He showed people to help one another even if there's an apparent danger. Duke Kahanamoku always knew to help others. He displayed this by saving eight innocent people from a shipwreck. He also spread the joy of surfing to other people ultimately popularizing the culture of surfing. Today Duke is known for his contribution to surfing and also this selfless personality. “Intrigued by the sport, some Australians had tried to make their own surfboards, but it was not until Kahanamoku's surfing exhibition during a visit for a swimming competition in Sydney that the sport had its true introduction. Constructing an eight-foot, six-inch-long board out of sugar pine, Kahanamoku took to Freshwater Beach in February 1915 and surfed the waves for a two-and-a-half hour exhibition. The demonstration kick-started a surfing craze in Australia that made it one of the country's most popular sports, and Kahanamoku was elevated to legendary status.” (Borden) Duke not only was good at swimming but also taught people how to surf. Duke is inspiring because he preserved the Hawaiian sport of surfing. He popularized surfing by showing his amazing moves in the water. Duke Kahanamoku displayed that he is a hero for his initiative to save people and  his revival and popularization of Hawaii's ancient sport of surfing.

123700A statue in Waikiki Beach to commemorate Duke

Works Cited

BORDEN, TIMOTHY. "Duke Kahanamoku." The Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives,       Thematic Series: Sports Figures, edited by Arnold Markoe and Kenneth T. Jackson, Charles   Scribner's Sons, 2002. Biography In Context, Accessed 26 Mar. 2018

"Duke Kahanamoku." Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2nd ed., vol. 20, Gale, 2004, pp. 197-199. Gale Virtual Reference Library, Accessed 26 Mar. 2018.

"Duke Kahanamoku." Notable Asian Americans, edited by Helen Zia and Susan B. Gall, Gale, 1995. Biography In Context, Accessed 26 Mar. 2

“The Extraordinary Surfing Life of Duke Kahanamoku.” SurferToday, Luis M. Pinto,      

"Kahanamoku, Duke." Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives, Thematic Series: Sports Figures. . 17 Apr. 2018 <>.


Page created on 4/18/2018 9:12:10 PM

Last edited 4/20/2018 3:40:26 AM

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Related Links

More information on Duke - Additional information about Duke's life
Duke Kahanamoku - Duke's Olympic record