
Eddie Aikau

by Nick Hunter from San Diego, California in United States

“Eddie Aikau became a legend after he died in 1978 at age thirty-two while attempting to paddle to shore to obtain help for his shipmates after their canoe was wrecked”(MY HERO story by Shelby from San Diego). Eddie Aikau is one of the most famous lifeguards and surfers to ever live from Hawaii. With over 500 saves on North Shore beach in Honolulu. He was known as a hero for saving people and winning many surfing awards. When he died they made a surfing contest in honor of him and only the best surfers are allowed to compete. He was known for saving people from all types of dangers, shark attacks, currents, and boating accidents, but he became a legend when he died trying to save his crew on a ship that had capsized 15 miles from any shore line. Eddie Aikau is known as being a hero because he was a big surfer, lifeguard, but more importantly, he had many achievements and he saved many people.

133595Eddie Aikau surfing a 25 foot wave[[File:Eddie Aikau Big Wave Invitational Surf Contest Waimea Bay Hawaii Febrary 2016 (25278507155).jpg|Eddie Aikau Big Wave Invitational Surf Contest Waimea Bay Hawaii Febrary 2016 (25278507155)]]Eddie Aikau is a hero because, he saved many people and won achievements. Whether it was surfing or saving people, Eddie Aikau was always out in the water. With over 500 saves. Eddie was one of the most famous and appreciated lifeguards at the time. “Legendary surfer and lifeguard Eddie Aikau saved hundreds of lives on the beaches of Hawaii in the 1960s and 1970s”(Lifeguard Eddie). This quote shows that while Eddie was a lifeguard he put his life in risk countless times to save others and in total he had around 500 saves. Within 10 years he had saved over 100 people, and not lost a single life within that time. At the time Eddie was surfing monster waves reaching up to 40 foot waves that could take out boats. He reached many milestones in his lifetime, surfing 15 foot waves at Sunset Beach in 1967, and then startling surfers that same year by taking off on an estimated 40 foot set wave at the famous, Waimea Bay”(Eddie Aikau). He started surfing waves no one else dared to go near and he saved many people when they were out in the bay. Eddie Aikau was one of the greatest surfers in the world and many people looked up to him as a surfer and inspiration. Surfing a 40 foot wave was a great achievement at the time and Eddie had accomplished that. He started surfing waves no one else dared to go near and he save many people when they were out in the bay. Eddie Aikau was one of the greatest surfers in the world and many people looked up to him as a surfer and an inspiration. Surfing a 40 foot wave was a great achievement at the time and Eddie had accomplished that.

Eddie is also a hero because, he tried saving his crew when they got shipwrecked. Eddie was off on his mission to go on a 15 mile swim back to shore and save his shipmates that were stuck on a capsized ship. “As for Eddie Aikau, however, he disappeared into the Pacific. The search for Aikau was the largest air-sea search in Hawaiian history, but sadly, no trace of him was ever found”(Lifeguard Eddie). Eddie gave his life in a attempt to try and save 15 other people, but sadly he died while swimming back and his body was never found. Eddie was determined to save his friends but not even he could fight the waves. As Eddie and his crew were fighting for their lives on their capsized boat, Eddie leaped into the water and headed for shore determined to return with help. “As Eddie rose to the peak of a swell, he again looked back at his crew members and gave a final wave goodbye as he paddled into the distance. Eddie Aikau was never seen again”(Eddie Aikau). Eddie was the only one that wanted to go out and try to save the crew because he knew that he was the only one that even stood a chance against the harsh waves and conditions in the ocean. Eddie sadly died at sea but this helped him become a hero, because people knew that he would risk his life for others. Eddie was a hero because he died trying to save 15 other people and he died on his 15 mile swim from their destroyed boat back to shore to get help. This proves that Eddie is a hero because he sacrificed his life for others.


133601Eddie's memorial surfing contest[[File:Eddie Aikau Big Wave Invitational Surf Contest Waimea Bay Hawaii Febrary 2016 (25252250046).jpg|Eddie Aikau Big Wave Invitational Surf Contest Waimea Bay Hawaii Febrary 2016 (25252250046)]]Eddie is known for being a hero for saving people, being a big wave surfer, and attempting to save 15 people stuck on a boat 15 miles from shore. With over 500 saves on North Shore beach in Honolulu. He was known as a hero for saving people and winning many surfing awards. When he died they made a surfing contest in honor of him and only the best surfers are allowed to compete. Eddie Aikau is an inspiration because he was a famous surfer. “He attained a rank of 12th in the world on the early IPS pro surfing rankings”(EddieAikau-History). A lifeguard that saved over 500 people “For more than a decade, legendary surfer and lifeguard Eddie Aikau watched over the beaches of Waimea Bay, Hawaii. And in all his years in the lifeguard tower, he made some 500 rescues without losing a single life” (Eddie Aikau). He is also a hero for the 15 people when he died trying to save them. “The Quicksilver in Memory of Eddie Aikau event is only held when waves in Waimea Bay top 20 feet”(Eddie Aikau memorial). This inspires me because I want to help people when I’m older and I want people to look up to me. Eddie is known for being a hero because he showed courage, determination and he bravery when he was saving people or surfing big waves.


Page created on 5/13/2019 5:16:39 PM

Last edited 5/16/2019 3:24:58 PM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

“Eddieaikau-History.” Quiksilver, Quiksilver, - this website talks about how Eddie lived and what he did while he was alive
“Eddie Aikau: Why We Say ‘Eddie Would Go.’” Historic Mysteries, 30 Sept. 2016, - this website talks about Eddies death and the memorials we have for him
“Lifeguard Eddie Aikau Saved 500 People - But No One Could Save Him.” All That's Interesting, All Th - This website talks about how Eddie saved people and how he died
Eddie Aikau - MY HERO Lifesavers: Eddie Aikau by Shelby from San Diego

Extra Info

[[File:Eddie Aikau Big Wave Invitational Surf Contest Waimea Bay Hawaii Febrary 2016 (25252250046).jpg|Eddie Aikau Big Wave Invitational Surf Contest Waimea Bay Hawaii Febrary 2016 (25252250046)]]




Williams, David. Eddie Aikau Memorial: “Elite surfers take on giant waves in Hawaii." CNN Wire, 25 Feb. 2016.. [Online] Available¤tPosition=4&docId=GALE%7CA444268106&docType=Brief+article&sort=RELEVANCE-SORT&contentSegment=ZMID-MOD1&prodId=MSIC&contentSet=GALE%7CA444268106&searchId=R3&userGroupName=powa9245&inPS=true.2016.

Lamoureux, Aimee. Noa, Madeleine. “Eddie Aikau: Why We Say ‘Eddie Would Go.’” Historic Mysteries, 30 Sept. 2016. [Online] Available 14, 2018.