Elizabeth Smart 2017https://thecourier.com
Heroes are everywhere and every person needs a hero in their life. When a person hears a word hero, he probably thinks of someone who is strong, brave and popular. But people have their own definitions of a hero which makes it very hard to agree on one characteristic a hero should possess. Heroes should stand up and speak out for what they think is right. A hero has to be mentally strong. They should motivate others to make them do great things as well. They should also be selfless and courageous in order to overcome the obstacles that may stand in their way. The perfect example of a hero would be Elizabeth Smart. Elizabeth lived in Salt Lake City with her family, that consisted of her mother, father, two brothers and a little sister. Everything in her life was perfect until the night of June 5, 2002 when was kidnapped from her bed, at the age of fourteen by a religious fanatic Brian David Mitchell. While captured, she was drugged and raped until she was found alive nine months later on March 12, 2003. After she was found, she has written a book and released a movie based on her story. 15 years since she was kidnapped, she still remembers what happened to her. But she moved on and is not mad at her captors, she says her journey shaped her and who she is today. Today, she has a husband and three children. She is now an author and an activist who shares her story on the college campuses around the country. In 2017, she has given a speech on child abduction at the BYU college campus and shared her story with hundreds of people. Elizabeth tries to make a change in our society. Many people see her as a hero because she possesses the characteristics a deserved hero should have. Through her story, she showed resilience and courage when she acted the way she did. Now when she tries to influences people to speak up and fight for what is right shows her heroism and determination. Elizabeth Smart did not give up after she was abducted as a child- her courage during the story made an impact and provided influence in topic of child abduction today.
Elizabeth Smart When She Was Foundhttps://www.nationalenquirer.com
Elizabeth’s courage and resilience is what helped her to not give up during the time when her life was completely falling apart. As Elizabeth was held captive, she decided for herself that she will survive no matter what it takes: “About the same time that I came to the determination that I was going to fight to survive”(Smart 63). Elizabeth’s dreams and hopes were completely shattered after she realized that she will not get back to her family unless she tries to be strong. She was afraid of her captors but she did not give up, she decided to fight for her life. Every single day, she had to do what her captors told her to, so that they would not kill her. She knew in the back of her head that fighting with evil was hard, but she was not afraid of fighting which shows her courage. Courage stayed with her even after she was found. Later when Elizabeth has finally survived and returned to her family, she has taken little steps to get back to her normal life: “Earlier this year, she resumed training for the school track team, running with her dad on a footpath not far from the woods where cops say Mitchell had held her captive at a campsite. Elizabeth has since dropped her spot on the track team, concentrating on her beloved harp” (New York Post). Now when Elizabeth came home, she acted like a normal teenager, who goes to school and spends time with friends. She has been to the place where once she fought for her life. Elizabeth expressed courage when she got back to her normal life. She might have been frightened and scared after what happened but she still tried to keep going. Elizabeth’s past did not keep her from moving forward. Lots of people would have already gave up, but she did not. She faced her fears, and fought through it. Her courageous actions is what helped her to survive and be the person she is today.
Elizabeth's Husband and Childrenhttps://people.comElizabeth’s story has influenced people’s views and thoughts on child abduction and the way they see everyday problems. As people were searching for Elizabeth, some of them has lost hope of ever finding her. So when she was found alive, her story become famous and well known: “It was shared by thousands in their hometown, and millions across America and even the world, for the story of Elizabeth's midnight kidnapping from her home had become internationally known”(Christian Science Monitor). Elizabeth’s story was one of the most famous stories of child abduction, and had a great influence on people around the world. When she was found, she showed how it’s important to not give up and fight to overcome the difficulties that may stand in the way. Her story might influence families who might also be victims of child abduction to not give up and fight until the end. Her story did not end there and she still influences people to this day. Now when Elizabeth grew up, she has come a long way since she was found at age fourteen. She now has a family and shares her story with people everyday through speeches and interviews: ‘“Today, I’m so grateful for the small things,” she tells PEOPLE exclusively”’(Ree). As Elizabeth shares her story, she gives an advice to people based on her experience. Elizabeth influences people to be happy every single day. She shares how her life has changed in a good way since she was abducted. Her story reveals how important it is to be grateful for little things in order to overcome the fears. Elizabeth uses her story to influence and empower victims of child abduction, as well give them hope and support.
Elizabeth Sharing Her Story with Studentshttps://www.thebatt.comElizabeth is not just a person who is strong and kind, she is someone who stands up and tries to makes a change in our society. After Elizabeth has been abducted at the the age of fourteen, her story became famous and well known. She was held captive for nine months, while being sexually abused and drugged. But she was extremely strong as she continued to fight to escape the horrifying place she has been kept in. When she was found, she still had courage left in her as she came back to her family and tried to start a new life. Her story did not end there, she still influences and inspires people to this day by sharing her own experience with people around the country. I believe that Elizabeth Smart is an inspiration for all of us. She inspires us to not give up, but instead focus on the present and what we have today. Her story and actions inspire us to be grateful for the things we have, because we never know what might happen to us or our family members any second. Elizabeth has shown what it’s like for someone’s life to completely change and all things to go downhill. Her struggles and pain made a big difference on who she is and what she believes in. Elizabeth’s courageous and influential actions is what helped her succeed and be the the hero she is today who inspires others to do the same.
Page created on 4/17/2018 9:38:24 PM
Last edited 6/10/2018 10:26:08 PM