
Emma Gonzalez

by Analeah Mafnas from San Diego, California in United States

"They say no laws could have prevented the hundreds of senseless tragedies that have occurred. We call BS." - Emma Gonzalez.

129806Emma Gonzalez“Nothing good ever comes from violence.” - Martin Luther King Jr. Emma Gonzalez learned that lesson the hard way through the traumatic experience of a school shooting. Emma Gonzalez was a high school student attending Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. During her senior year of high school (2018), Emma Gonzalez’s life would forever be changed. February 14, 2018, was the day that she survived a school shooting. Due to that occurrence, she became an activist supporting gun control. Three days after the shooting occurred, Emma and her peers started their Never Again movement and were later given the opportunity to speak about their opinions on gun control. A hero such as Emma Gonzalez must possess bravery and aspiration to be successful. These two traits allow the hero to remain dedicated and involved with their cause. Emma Gonzalez demonstrates ambition and courage during her hard work and dedication towards being an advocate for gun control.

129852March for Our Lives Eventmashable.comIt is notable that Emma Gonzalez was given deserved attention for her words and actions because of her constant ambition. Of the many ways to express her pain, Gonzalez chose to take a stand to publicly share her perspective on gun violence: “Youth activists from the Florida high school where the massacre took place quickly emerged as passionate voices for gun reform, with González taking a leadership role. The students formed an organization, Never Again MSD. In the days and weeks after the shooting, González made several high-profile public appearances” (“Emma Gonzalez”). Gonzalez took a risk and became the leader of the Never Again gun control movement. Her continuous activism throughout this movement has allowed her and others to be heard in a time of hunger for change. Emma Gonzalez’s lack of hesitation when sharing her perspective allowed those who listened to become further educated on the importance of gun control. As a reaction to the horrific occurrence of the Parkland school shooting, Emma became an activist to cry out for long-awaited help: “Survivors like Gonzalez mourned for the friends they lost, while also demanding policy changes to ensure such a tragedy never occurs again” (Ogles). As a survivor dealing with the deaths of her friends, Gonzalez continued to strongly support stricter gun control laws with hopes of having a positive result. She was heroic in her efforts to encourage a serious change and attempted to focus more on benefiting others than the actual guns involved in violent acts. Emma’s ambition and attention to the Never Again movement left people thinking and wondering about what significant changes need to take place.

129858Emotional Speechpeople.comDuring a time of healing and mourning, Emma Gonzalez showed courage when just three days later she was able to gather enough strength to publicly advocate for gun control. Courageous and prepared to work hard, “In the days and weeks after the shooting, González made several high-profile public appearances” (“Emma Gonzalez”). After experiencing a torturous school shooting and losing friends, Emma Gonzalez was courageous through it all. With the blink of an eye, Emma picked her head up and showed her strength. She demanded there be a serious change to cover others with a blanket of safety. Emma Gonzalez recognized the severity of gun violence in all communities. Furthermore, she expressed her concerns about this violence to prevent future events that could resemble the Sandy Hook Shooting, the Pulse Nightclub shooting, the Las Vegas concert shooting, and countless more tragedies. Gonzalez quickly built up the strength of a bull prepared to fight, swallowed her tears, and vocalized her opinion: "Politicians who sit in their gilded House and Senate seats funded by the NRA telling us nothing could have been done to prevent this, we call BS…. They say no laws could have prevented the hundreds of senseless tragedies that have occurred. We call BS. That us kids don't know what we're talking about, that we're too young to understand how the government works. We call BS" (“Parkland School Shooting”). On February 17, 2018, three days after the shooting occurred, Gonzalez boldly and proudly gave this powerful speech to a crowd of thousands of people. Emma Gonzalez is courageous when delivering this speech because she believes so strongly in gun control that she risks calling out important politicians. Taking all necessary risks, Gonzalez disregards the fact that these politicians can benefit or harm her Never Again gun control movement. Her courage is recognized because she uses a strong desire for change to prove a point rather than intentionally disrespecting these important figures.

129844Emma Gonzalez - An Inspirationhercampus.comEmma Gonzalez can be recognized as an inspiration for her thoughtful, powerful words and actions because of her constant ambition and courage. Gonzalez could have acted out after the school shooting, but instead, she decided to use her emotions as fuel to successfully help others who could struggle in the future: “It was a powerful show of teenage activism to honor the victims of the Florida shooting and call on lawmakers to pass stricter gun legislation. Parkland survivors delivered passionate and angry speeches” (“Parkland School Shooting”). Teens are not usually viewed as strong or powerful compared to adults. However, Emma Gonzalez and a few of her peers were able to voice their angry opinions on gun control.  They have been successful with getting themselves heard because of their amount of dedication, aspiration, and bravery. As one who is scared to speak and present in front of a classroom, it is inspiring to see a female close to my age making powerful messages that influence all ages worldwide. Instead of drowning in a sea of grief and isolating herself from the public, she does the opposite and uses her emotional experience to try to avoid future disasters. Unlike myself, Emma Gonzalez was able to stand in front of thousands of people several times and vocalize her fundamental perspective. As it is common knowledge that where there is violence disaster follows, Emma Gonzalez used her ambition and courage to inspire others and allow them to recognize that.

Works Cited

"Emma González." Gale Biography in Context, Gale, 2018. Biography In Context, Accessed 9 Dec. 2018.

OGLES, JACOB. “LEADING A REVOLUTION: Bisexual, Latina High School Student Emma Gonzalez Used Tragedy, Rage, and Knowledge as Fuel, Igniting a Nation of Kids (and Adults) to Push for Stronger Gun Reform Laws in America.” Advocate, no. 1097, June 2018, pp. 60–63. EBSCOhost, Accessed 9 Dec. 2018.

"Parkland School Shooting on February 14, 2018, Prompts Survivors to Promote Gun Control." Historic U.S. Events, Gale, 2018. Student Resources In Context, Accessed 6 Dec. 2018.


Page created on 1/9/2019 10:17:23 PM

Last edited 3/14/2019 5:32:06 PM

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Related Links

Emma Gonzalez - Why Gun Control Is Necessary - Emma Gonzalez shares her opinions on gun control to further educate people on the controversial topic.
6 Powerful Speeches - The founders of the #NeverAgain movement share 6 powerful, influencing, and thoughtful speeches to advocate for gun control.