
Emma Watson

by Melisa Vargas from San Diego, California in United States


Melisa Vargas


HSE 2: Period 5

13 May 2019

My Hero Project: Emma Watson

“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself” (Joseph Campbell). Heroes aren't always the ones in movies, like the ones that have superpowers. Heroes can be found anywhere and can be normal people. They are often described as muscular or powerful, but what truly defines a hero is their actions. Someone who wasn't just a hero in the movie but was also a hero in real life is Emma Watson. Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson started off her career as Hermione Granger in the 'Harry Potter' films and was born in Paris, France, on April 15, 1990. She is also an actress, model, and a philanthropist. Determination and activism are the traits that make up a hero. Emma Watson is a hero because of her commitment to activism and her determination for equal rights and for education.

133792Emma Watsonwikimedia commonsEmma shows determination in many different ways, which makes her a hero figure. Watson played Hermoine in the Harry Potter films from a very young age. Although she loved it, she decided to leave the fantasy world behind and focus on bigger projects. “When the final installment in the Harry Potter series was released in 2011, Watson concentrated on roles in other movies. Watson shaped a career path separate from her Harry Potter roots with roles in films such as The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012), The Bling Ring (2013), Noah (2014), and Beauty and the Beast (2017)” (GALE). She started off as an actress and managed to change her path from the Harry Potter films to other movies when she got older. She starred in a lot of movies and earned a lot of money and fame from them. Her determination allowed her to move forward in her career. Emma's acting got her a lot of money and fame and at a young age became a millionaire because of it. “Due to her role in this franchise [Harry Potter Films], she has become one of the most well-known and highest paid actresses under the age of 30 in the world earning £10 million” (Lifetime UK). She is so young and she is already an influential millionaire inspiring others. Her determination was key for her because without it, she wouldn't have reached her goals. Emma’s determination shows how she is a hero because she has accomplished so much at such a young age and this inspires others to do the same.

133807Emma Watsonwikimedia commonsActivism is the action of campaigning to bring change to the society, and it makes Emma a hero because it influences others to fight for what they believe in. Other than being an actress and a model, Emma Watson is also an activist. She believes that feminism can benefit both men and women because she thinks that both men and women have issues in society. United Nations Goodwill Ambassadors are individuals who volunteer to illuminate important areas of the U.N.'s work. Celebrities use their fame to raise awareness of the issues like poverty, famine, and violence worldwide. Watson was one of these ambassadors and fought for many of these causes. “She is active in feminist causes and women's rights. Watson was made a UN Goodwill Ambassador in 2014 and the following year she appeared in TIME's list of the world's 100 Most Influential People as a result of her activism” (Lifetime UK). Because of her activism, she is very influential to many people. She fights for things like gender equality and sexual harassment and is looked up to for her heroic actions. Another quote by The East Carolinian also demonstrates Watson’s Activism. “I want men to take up this mantle. So their daughters, sisters, and mothers can be free from prejudice, but also so that their sons have permission to be vulnerable and human too — reclaim those parts of themselves they abandoned and in doing so be a more true and complete version of themselves” (The East Carolinian). Emma wants equal rights, and she believes that both men and women deserve to be treated the same. She thinks that men have a right to be vulnerable too and that women shouldn't always be judged. Activism plays a big role in being a hero for Emma, and because of it, she has many admirers and easily influences her young fans to follow in her footsteps.

Emma Watson is a hero because of her determination for equal rights and for education, and because of her commitment to activism. She started off in the film business starring in all of the Harry Potter films as Heromine Granger but then moved on to bigger and more mature roles. She was also influential to a lot of people and even made the TIME's list of the world's 100 Most Influential People as a result of her activism. “Emma Watson is celebrated for her role as Harry’s nit-picky friend, Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film franchise. She has appeared in all the eight installments, which have been deemed as some of ‘the highest-grossing films of all time’. She has been glorified for her brilliant screen-presence, blunt dialogue-delivery and her connection with her character in the series. The ‘Harry Potter’ franchise alone has won her a number of accolades and she currently has a net-worth of $10 million from her films” (The Famous People). Emma has worked on many movies, including all eight of the Harry Potter films. She also won multiple awards for her accomplishments. Her net worth was high because of her dedication and continues to be high. Emma Watson had multiple careers and she put hard work and effort into all of them. This is inspiring because it proves to young people that it is possible to do what you love. She is inspiring to me because she is living proof that with determination and activism, I can achieve my goals and dreams.

Works Cited

"Emma Watson." Gale Biography in Context, Gale, 2007. Student Resources In Context, Accessed 6 May 2019.

“Emma Watson.” History and Biography, 25 Oct. 2018,

“Emma Watson.” Lifetime UK, AETN, 7 Sept. 2017,

Taylor, Hannah. “Emma Watson Serves as Positive Influence, Role Model.” The East Carolinian, BLOX Content Management System, 16 Jan. 2017,

“Who Is Emma Watson? Everything You Need to Know.” Childhood, Life Achievements & Timeline, Famous People,

Page created on 5/14/2019 4:41:01 AM

Last edited 5/19/2019 10:15:21 PM

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