These short films are under 10 minutes and feature amazing environmental heroes who are fighting to protect our precious planet.

Environmental Films for Elementary School Students

My Haggan Dream

Rob Sams, Laura Sams

On the island of Saipan, a young girl's dream about a haggan, or green sea turtle, leads her to investigate the sea turtles that live around her home.

The Ocean We Want To Know

Produced by:Macgillivray Freeman Films
One World One Ocean's new animated video celebrates the wonders of the ocean with stunning facts about our connection to the planet's lifeline.

Heartbeat of the Earth

Produced by:The Dreamteam

The Earth needs us and we need the Earth.

Olivia's Birds and the Oil Spill

Produced by:Lynne Cherry

Young Olivia loves birds, and creates over 500 paintings of her feathered friends to raise funds for Audubon's bird rescue.

127 Marine Conservation Zones

Produced by:by Chris Smyth

127 is an important number for marine life .

Slater Meets her Hero: Jean-Michel Cousteau

Produced by:Wendy Milette & Jeanne Meyers

Slater visits Catalina Island to learn from her environmental hero Jean-Michel Cousteau.

Rainforest Fable

Produced by:Cassidy Hancock, Breanna Meneses

Claymation PSA on the importance of saving world's rainforests. (5th grade Fieldcrest Elementary School, Canada)

Sultana Call to Action

Produced by:Madeline Gullim

Madeline Gillum's 6th Grade Class at Sultana Elementary created this video through the MY HERO / iEARN Learning Circles

Laguna Beach Eco Heroes: Laguna Beach Tidepools

Produced by:The MY HERO Project

The Laguna Ocean Foundationinforms the public about the precious natural resource of tidepool ecosystems.

Environmental Films for Middle School Students


Marie-Margaux, Tsakiri-Scanatovits, David Prosser, Daniel Chester
Forest 500 is the world's first ratings agency for rainforests.

Every Drop Counts

Produced by:Actuality Media
Cada Gota Cuenta gives a dynamic insight to just how detrimental the contaminated water in Guatemala can be on its population and especially the health and wellbeing of its aspiring students.

Growing a Healthy Community

Produced by:Light House Studio
A documentary about Growing for CHANGE made by students in the Westhaven Community.

Gwala Rising in the Bwanabwana Islands

Produced by:Whitney Yadao-Evans, Niquole Esters, and Jennifer Shoemaker
Gwala Rising in the Bwanabwana Islands depicts the revitalization of traditional conservation practices in the islands of Papua New Guinea.

Bazaruto Ocean Guardians

Produced by:Finn White-Thomson
Meet the Ocean Guardians of Bazaruto Mozambique, who work tirelessly to teach local communities about the importance of conservation.

Nature is Speaking - Julia Roberts is Mother Nature

Produced by:Dir. Lee Clow
The voice of mother nature motivates us to listen and act on her behalf.

Astonish Me

Produced by:Charles Sturridge
New species remain undiscovered, but we can only discover them if we can preserve the Earth.

The Community They Fight For

Produced by:Mill Valley Film Group
Latino community activist Mark Lopez pushed government officials to provide comprehensive lead testing and cleanup of East Los Angeles homes contaminated by a battery smelter that had been operating for over three decades.

Series of Solutions: Restoring Coral Reefs

Produced by:Center for Ocean Solutions & Conservation Media Group
Series of Solutions explores the heroes who are working on tangible solutions for ocean conservation.

Environmental Films for High School Students

Racing Extinction [Trailer]

Produced by:Dir. Louie Psihoyos
Whether infiltrating notorious black markets with guerilla-style tactics or exploring the scientific causes affecting changes to the environment, "Racing Extinction" will change the way we see the world and our role within it.

Coral Reefs - Live below the surface

Hendrik S. Schmitt
Join us on a journey through the Coral Triangle and its magnificent coral reefs. These underwater gardens have the largest biodiversity of life on Earth and can only be compared to tropical rainforests.

A Volatile Habitat

Produced by:Mill Valley Film Group
Putting his life on the line, Rodrique Katembo, a brave park ranger went undercover to document and release information about bribery and corruption in the quest to drill for oil in Virunga National Park (Democratic Republic of Congo), resulting in public outrage that forced the company to withdraw from the project.

Protecting the Amazon by Advancing Indigenous Rights

Since 1996, Amazon Watch has protected the rainforest and advanced the rights of indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin. We partner with indigenous and environmental organizations in campaigns for human rights, corporate accountability, and the preservation of the Amazon's ecological systems.

Mother of All Rivers

Produced by:Will Parrinello
Berta Cáceres rallied her indigenous Lenca people to wage a grassroots protest that successfully pressured the government of Honduras and the world's largest dam builder to withdraw from building the Agua Zarca Dam.

Bella Gaia

Produced by:Kenji Williams
Bella Galia means Beautiful Earth. Producer Kenji Williams came up with the idea after meeting an astronaut who lived on a space station for 6 months.

One Woman Roadblock

Produced by:Mill Valley Film Group
A former tribal chief, Marilyn Baptiste led her native community in defeating proposed gold and copper mines that would have destroyed Fish Lakea source of spiritual identity and livelihood for her people.

An Inconvenient Youth - Cancun

Produced by:Slater Jewell-Kemker
Youth activists are exasperated by a lack of action from world leaders regarding climate change.

Protecting Blue Whales and Blue Skies

Michael Hanrahan
A collaboration of government agencies, non-profits, and private industry come together to solve the problem of commercial ships causing increased air pollution and whale strikes in the Santa Barbara Channel.

Environmental Education Resources

Subject: Oceans! This model environmental science curriculum is K-12 Common Core aligned and based on the partnership of many ocean conservation organizations. Each sub category includes short films and lessons with suggested age levels. Teachers Resource Guide included.

World Oceans Day Teacher Lesson Plan

By: Laura Nietzer

World Oceans Day, June 8th celebrates our world's shared oceans and raise awareness about the crucial role the ocean plays in our lives and important ways people can help protect it.

CALL FOR ENTRIES! One World One Ocean Campaign sponsors this prize that goes to the best film highlighting heroism for Ocean Conservation in honor of her deepness Sylvia Earle!

Sylvia Earle Ocean Conservation Award
Credit: myhero

Organizer created on 7/30/2019 5:12:45 PM by Wendy Milette

Last edited 3/13/2020 8:39:20 AM by Laura Nietzer