
George Washington

by Malik from Yucaipa

"I canot tell a lie"
colonel George washington (internet)
colonel George washington (internet)

George Washington was the ultimate hero: the king of liberty, the tyrant of freedom. He led the first continental army, and he he did not stay in comfort but he shared in their discomfort as he led the American revolution. Later he was inagurated as the first president of the United States. Surely he is one of our greatest heros.

He was born in Westermoreland County on Feb 22, 1732. He was the eldest child of his father's second marriage. He lived on the family plantation called the "Popes Creek Farm" until his father died in the year 1743. He then went to live with his older half brother Lawrence,at "Mount Vernon" Lawrence acted like a father to George and helped him with his career. George wanted to go to sea but his mother wouldn't let him, so he became a surveyor. He was eventually appointed surveyor over Culpepper County. When Lawrence died of tuberculosis in 1752, Washington inherited Mt. Vernon.

During the French/Indian War, Washington was sent to the French fort to deliver a message to the French, telling them to leave. The French of course did not agree to this, so Governor Dinwitii decided to drive them out. During the war that folowed, Washington set up a fort called " Fort Nessesity". When they heard that the French were coming, the army marched to Fort Necessity, and arrived to see that Washington was defeated. Disappointed, he resigned. Later, he joined an expedition and tried to rally British troops after they were ambushed. After he came back he married Martha Dandridg Custis.

George Washington became a Virginia politition and was present at the first Continental Congress. Soon, the colonies decided to break free from England, and Washington was unanimously elected comander-in-chief of the American army. Washington was a good general and won and lost a series of battles. One of his most famous battles was when he crossed the Delaware River and he surprised the Hessian soldiers on the other side. The final battle of the revolution was the seige of Yorktown, where Lord Cornwallis surendered to Washigton.

I chose George Washington because he is the only reason that our country is free. Washington was an honest, reliable, respectable man and I hope that we will also fight for what we beleive in and do what is right. Surely George Washington deserves the title of the father of our country.

Page created on 8/19/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 8/19/2008 12:00:00 AM

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