
George Washington

by Brayden Aker from San Diego, California in United States

124689George Washington            

     It was September 28, 1781, George Washington controlling a fleet of 17,000 French and Continental forces rallying on attacking the 9,000 British soldiers. This was would go down as the most important revolutionary war known as the Battle of Yorktown   (“Battle of Yorktown Begins”). The Battle of Yorktown is one of the main reasons the Revolutionary War was won and our independence from Britain. George Washington was the first president of the United States, presidency lasted “In 1789 he became president and ended his presidency in 1797.” (“George Washington's Birthday.” ).  Commander and Chief of the Continental Army ("George Washington."). He was born in Mount Vernon, Virginia on February 22, 1732 and died on December 14, 1789 ("George Washington").  He was buried in Mount Vernon and can find statues of him all over America. A hero must possess leadership and bravery.  Leadership is when someone can lead a group or organization and bravery is when someone shows courage or is fearless in a time of fear. Washington shows bravery when "George Washington and his Continental Army prevailed against the world’s strongest power in an eight-and-a-half year war."(“George Washington | Leading From The Front.”) That shows bravery because he was going up against the best Army in the world at the time. George Washington, first president of the United States, a decorated war hero whose leadership and bravery inspired the people of the United States.

             Washington showed leadership during the Revolutionary War. He was born to be a leader and was one of the main people in the Revolution. “Commander in Chief of the American and French forces in the American Revolution and became the first president of the United States” (qtd in"George Washington").  This shows leadership because he was responsible for the Continental Army and the first ever president of the United States of America under the Constitution. Many people idolized George Washington still to this day. Washington once said; “To command all the continental forces, raised, or to be raised for the defense of American liberty.” (“George Washington, Genius in Leadership”). This shows leadership because he wanted to command the forces and he was raised to protect the American liberty. When Washington became president he said this “I walk on untrodden ground, Washington wrote as he accepted the presidency in 1789" (“George Washington | Leading From The Front.”).Washington was the first ever president of the United States under the Constitution which means he was the first ever to take that roll and whatever he did what set the standards for America. Finally, George Washington was a leader as much as he was an inspiration to America.

124698George Washington leading the revolution         George Washington shows bravery in many ways on the battlefields. Washington was known for his leadership and his heroism but he was also known for his bravery on and off the battlefield. “Against all odds Washington overcame these crippling disabilities.” (qtd in"George Washington.")   Even though the odds were against them and he had many people with injuries, like missing body parts, and death he still stayed and fought for independence. Washington showed many traits of bravery on the battlefield. “Washington's superior officer, the British general Braddock, dying of battlefield wounds. Although Washington had two horses shot from under him and his clothes pierced by four bullets, he emerged from this disastrous encounter unscathed. Moreover, his reputation as a soldier was enhanced. News spread that he had displayed considerable bravery and resourcefulness in the battle with the French” (qtd in"George Washington"). Even though his superior officer was shot, injured and he was pierced with four bullets he still remained grounded to rescue his superior officer.  Through that Washington's reputation was enhanced. Because of Washington's bravery on the battlefield it showed that he was more than just a leader, he was a brave soldier   

124721George Washington          George Washington shows bravery in many ways on the battlefields. Washington was known for his leadership and his heroism but he was also known for his bravery on and off the battlefield. “Against all odds Washington overcame these crippling disabilities.” (qtd in"George Washington.")   Even though the odds were against them and he had many people with injuries like missing body parts and death, he still stayed and fought for Independence. Washington showed many traits of bravery on the Battlefield. “Washington's superior officer, the British general Braddock, dying of battlefield wounds. Although Washington had two horses shot from under him and his clothes pierced by four bullets, he emerged from this disastrous encounter unscathed. Moreover, his reputation as a soldier was enhanced. News spread that he had displayed considerable bravery and resourcefulness in the battle with the French” (qtd in"George Washington"). Even though his superior officer was shot, injured and he was pierced with four bullets, he still remained grounded to rescue his superior officer.  Through that Washington's reputation was enhanced. Because of Washington's Bravery on the battlefield it showed that he was more than just a leader, he was a brave soldier.


Page created on 5/22/2018 4:17:41 PM

Last edited 8/25/2018 3:50:05 PM

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