
Mel Gibson

by Brittany from Hobart

Mel Gibson is my hero he lives in Beverly Hills CA. He is a very inspiring person. He has acted in many movies and donates a lot of money to charity. He just directed a movie for the first time it’s called The Passion it’s about the last 48 hours of the suffering of Jesus. And I can not wait to se it in theater. Mel Gibson is not just like all of the other movie stars who just make movies and live life like a bum. He goes to church every Sunday and from all the people who have meat him say he is really a nice person.

He is very important to me because he doesn’t listen to what other people say for example when he wanted to make the movie he called The Passion no one would direct it or even give him money make this movie. Other directors said no one would pay to see the last 48 hours of Jesus life. So what did he do he took 10 million dollars of his own money and directed the movie himself. Since then it has been a big hit, and he is very proud of it because he read the bible over and over to make sure the movie was perfect.

He has made a big difference in my life because this movie puts a whole new perspective to the Catholic Religion. It makes not only me but everyone else realize that Jesus went through a lot of suffering to take away all of our sins so we could live again in happiness. His movie is a message to all christens letting us know that he will come again.

So as you can see Mel Gibson has done a lot in his life. He made movies, directed movies, and is a very good Catholic. He is a person who practices what he preaches. Mel Gipson could be a role model for all of us. Brittany Retzlaff

Page created on 8/1/2004 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 8/1/2004 12:00:00 AM

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