MY HERO Art of Healing Celebration
April is Jazz and Poetry appreciation month. Join MY HERO in a global celebration of the art of healing using art, film, music, and poetry. You are invited to submit your projects to share with the MY HERO global community.
Films: Examples of Cinematic Poetry From the MY HERO Library
A poetic film in honor and celebration of Black History Month. Made by a MY HERO intern. (5:21 run time)
Mother and son collaborate in the expression of poetry and music for the planet. (4:00 minutes run time)
Maya Angelou reads her poem "A Brave and Startling Truth" which she wrote in commemoration of the UN's 50th Anniversary, in 1995. (5:29 run time)
Taft High School student, Deana Saito, creates a beautiful visual expression of the poem by William Wordsworth.
Amanda Gorman, America's First Youth Poet Laureate
"For there was always light. If only we're brave enough to see it. If only we're brave enough to be it."
On Inauguration Day, January 20, 2021, America’s first Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman delivered her original poem "The Hill We Climb" after the swearing-in of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.
Students can listen as they read Amanda Gorman's poem "The Hill We Climb" included in the story below.
Audio of Amanda Gorman reciting her poem The Hill We Climb.
Students read this story about Amanda Gorman to learn more about how Amanda used lyrical poetry to help overcome a speech impediment.
The text to her poem "The Hill We Climb" is included.
Examples of Uplifting Short Films From the MY HERO Library
Art of Healing Short Films
Examples of Artwork from the MY HERO Gallery
First Place Winner: 2022 MY HERO Robert Shetterly Portrait Contest
My older brother has an illness that is not well understood. He gets many medical tests, shots, and medicine. Even when he feels weak or sick, he still hugs and kisses me whenever I am sad. He is my hero because he shows me how to have a bright smile no matter how I feel. He is the bravest person I know!
Artwork submitted to MY HERO by students honoring healing heroes during the coronavirus pandemic.
Uplifting Healing Stories
Art as a tool for healing? Cambodian circus fosters joy and confidence.
Lesson Plans: Cinematic Poetry
Lesson Plans: Connecting Poetry and Art
Host a Jazz Festival at Your School or Community Center
April is Jazz Appreciation Month.
Does your school have a Jazz Band or students interested in jazz? Have them host a jazz performance for the school, community, or class. Film your event and share it with MY HERO during the month of April, Jazz Appreciation month.
Have your students create artwork, poetry, dance, or music to celebrate the healing power of art. Share with your community during the month of April which is Poetry and Jazz month. Be a part of the MY HERO global family by sharing your students' projects with MY HERO!
Media Arts Education Resources for Students
These FREE media arts education resources support all levels of media makers with the tools needed to produce meaningful hero films that can be shared with our global audience.
How to use MY HERO's Create Program to Publish Poetry, Stories, Art, Film, and Audio
Organizer created on 1/18/2023 2:00:49 PM by Laura Nietzer
Last edited 3/8/2023 1:23:13 PM by Abigail Richardson