The MY HERO Project | Library

Go Free or Die: A Story About Harriet Tubman (Carolrhoda Creative Minds Book)

By Jeri Ferris

Publisher: Lerner Publishing Group, December 1988
ISBN: 9780876143179
MY HERO recommends this book to children readers.
A biography of the black woman whose cruel experiences as a slave in the South led her to seek freedom in the North for herself and for others through the Underground Railroad.
User Reviews:
Duck | 3/18/2016 5:51 AM
it was the best
ola | 3/3/2015 12:37 PM
this was full of awsome
keily parra | 3/28/2011 4:36 PM
this book   is really interesting 2 me,
    i just wished i was there 2 help her out!
jessica | 6/10/2010 1:23 AM
harriet tubman is my hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
harriat tubman fan | 1/21/2010 12:25 PM
im so happy what harriet did for us cause if she didnt we would be in slavery right now.but every body on this internet thank the lord and harriet for this ok cause he led her threw that and that was a nice thing and good thing im suprised she wasnt scared arent you guys i wish harriet tubman was still alive so i could meet her and get her autograph.i just love harriet tubman my friend said he knows where she died im going to find out she was a brave woman
Hadley Clarentine | 11/5/2009 11:14 AM
This book was so amazing. I think i could have read it a thousand times or more!
Tia | 4/26/2009 10:42 PM
where can i buy it because i need some information and FAST!

Check with your local library first.  You should be able to purchase the book from any of the major online bookstores.

-- The MY HERO Library Staff

candie | 3/10/2009 2:37 PM
this book is so inspiring ...i was reading to my mom and she was crying and the story was so sad
kiki | 12/12/2008 1:52 AM
i love this book
Tamyra Webb | 10/29/2008 9:34 AM
I did a project on this book i got an A+ and i like this story my class is doing a ply on it
Amanda | 5/28/2008 6:21 AM
This book taught me a lot and it would of told me about what I might of been doing if I lived that long ago.  Harriet Tubman went through so much!!!

katheine bennett | 5/21/2008 8:00 AM
i love this book so much it just shows people how far people will go for freedom and how much they respect it.
mumin mayo | 5/21/2008 3:00 AM
i lve this book i read eleven times every week and i did a project about harriet tubman about this book and i got a big A
Jayleene Noyes | 5/16/2008 3:17 AM
I've everyone of Harriet tubman's books and I love her she's the best part of history.
mz idia | 4/25/2008 1:52 AM
i really enjoyed it. it helped me to learn my past andd see where i came from i am thankful for that?!
Crystal webwinters | 3/18/2008 8:00 AM
Go free or die was a great book. I loved the book. i am glad i had i needed it for a book report and got an A+. Thank you for writing it
Angela | 3/5/2008 7:31 AM
Harriet tubman is a proud woman of honor.I wish she was still alive today to help others.I want to growup to be just like you oneday.I love the book about you .You were a brave woman.Matter fact I have the book about your life right beside me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
eliza wingler | 2/28/2008 2:02 AM
i think she was the most wonder ful person of her time
Lilly | 2/19/2008 7:54 AM
I love this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Darian | 2/9/2008 1:58 AM
andriy | 11/8/2007 4:12 AM
I wonder what happened with harriet tubman

After the Civil War Harriet Tubman settled in Auburn, New York, where she opened a home for the aged and indigent, and continued to take an active role in support of women's rights.  She died of pneumonia on March 10, 1913.

-- The MY HERO Project Library Staff

mecia | 5/15/2007 3:09 AM
this bookwas so perfact for me because i dont like to read but this book cauht my eye
kayla | 4/16/2007 12:00 AM
im doing a report on harriet to and i love it
Maria | 3/18/2007 10:34 PM
This was an amazing book. I always knew Harriet Tubman was a hero, but I never knew all the details. I read this book in about 4 days, I loved it!
sarah | 3/17/2007 5:55 AM
This was a very inspiring book,it made me want to go out and do something to help the world.Harriet Tubman was a very great person who wanted equality and peace,but of course not everyone thought that way,which  in my oppinion is just one of the things that proves just how brave she really was for fighting slavery.I just wish that there were more Harriet Tubmans in the world.LONG LIVE HARRIET TUBMAN!!!!!!
kitty17 | 3/15/2007 10:00 AM
i think the book was awsome i had to do a report on her and it gave me alot of info
amani almansoob | 2/25/2007 4:13 AM
harriet tubman was so brave she thought about others instade of her self.
asha able | 2/24/2007 1:15 PM
I loved this book I think I read it about seven times
Rebecca Sandoval | 2/23/2007 7:04 AM
I read it it is the best.
Jo | 1/26/2007 8:56 AM
I love That book .  i love harriet because she is brave determined . brave. she loved freedom.she's my hero.
kayla | 1/20/2007 1:25 PM
Harriet Tubman is a great person.She's my number one hero.I know that in the past she freed over 300 slaves.That was probably my family that she had freed.If it is my family that she had freed i am am gratful for that.THANK YOU HARRIET TUBMAN.I WISH I HAD MEET YOU.I WISH YOU WERE ALIVE TODAY SO THAT I CAN MEET YOU.
defreitas | 1/17/2007 2:30 AM
you are great harriet tubman you are my hero
alcinda | 1/17/2007 2:28 AM
i like that book it is very good i like when you talk to god.i love your books alot
Anjali | 7/3/2006 9:22 AM
I have the book right next to me; I used it for reference for a project and it was great. It was very useful. All the websites contain the same information in this story. I was in "THE ZONE" when I read this book. I am sooo glad I read it. . .
michael | 4/7/2006 3:18 AM
i think this book is one of the best in the u.s.a
denise | 3/23/2006 7:04 AM
This book is wonderful. Especially since its about slavery.
Michelle | 3/23/2006 7:03 AM
This is a great book about a wonderful person.
mb | 3/9/2006 8:44 PM
this was an amazing book about an amazing lady
aracely smith | 3/7/2006 9:15 AM
I have learned so much about harriet tubman
ever since i started my report i have been learning more and more about her and since i had to write her quotations my favorite one is "every great dream begins begins with a dreamer, always remember, you have within you the strength,the patience and the passion to reach for the stars and change the world" I love it.
shantae littlehat | 2/16/2006 2:41 AM
it helped me on a project i did too. i also hope it inspired every one!
Rebeca | 11/23/2005 12:59 AM
I have the book right next to me and it is a great book!!!!!!!!!
Alyssa | 11/23/2005 12:56 AM
I have the same feeling about Harriet Tubman she is the bravest woman. I am also doing a progect on her and I have found out so much about her. I will never forget her she would never give up. I wish she was still alive to help others. I am glad that you chose Harriet Tubman.
P.S Your project was wonderful!
Stephanie cross | 2/9/2005 4:45 AM
harriet tubman was a hero to me and this book showed me and everybody(i hope) how much she did for all of us.
craig tarver | 1/20/2005 8:32 AM
It was a good book. it taught me more about what happened back then. Thank You Nancy Nickerson.
Shakiyla | 1/14/2005 3:00 AM
I loved that book. it touched me in my life.
The book told me what happened in the past.

Riley | 1/12/2005 1:43 AM
It was great. I think I have a new hero after the reserch I have read and found on and her. holy moly I wish I was as good as her!
justin | 1/7/2005 10:48 PM
I read this book in the fourth grade and I loved it so much I had to do a book report on it. I chose harriet tubman because she is very smart.
morgan Wolfe | 12/23/2004 6:26 AM
I did a project about Harriet Tubman. It was a lot of fun learning new things about Harriet Tubman. I think you should learn about her too.
Rachel | 12/6/2004 1:20 AM
this book helped me with my anger management problems.
Nicole | 6/11/2004 2:46 AM
I loved it. I had to do a report on Harriet Tubman and it really helped!!!
Lashonda | 5/26/2004 3:31 AM
This book was very inspiring. Although I haven't read this book since I was in the fifth grade, it stays on my mind constantly.
| 3/3/2004 1:35 AM
It is a wonderful book.  I really enjoyed it!

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