
My Dad, Dana

by Sawyer from Dublin

My hero is nice to all the people around him. My hero is brave and loving. He is strong and caring to his family and all of his friends. My hero is my dad.

My dad, Dana was born in Wauseon, Ohio. My dad is (in my opinion) the best dad in the world. His parents were divorced when he was young. He lived at his mom’s house for most of the time. He went to elementary, middle, and high school in Wauseon and went to Ohio State University for college. He was always a smart student and he didn’t play any sports in college but was a great student. He and my mom lived by each other so they were friends for a long time, but they went to different colleges. They married when they were 23 so this year will be their 20th anniversary.

Well my dad is loving and caring because every time we get hurt he gets mad and scared because he always says, “I don’t want to lose you guys and I’m not mad, but scared that something really bad will happen to you.” My dad is brave because he always stands up for us when people try to hurt us or be mean to us. One time this boy was making fun of me because I fell down in the mud (I was about 5 years old) so my dad saw that the boy was making fun of me so he went to the boy’s parents and told them what he was doing so he came back and told me “It’s taken care of.”

I will always think of my dad as a hero. He is always there for me and he will always take care of me. Some people think of hero’s being rich and famous, but to me it is my dad.

Page created on 6/7/2006 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 6/7/2006 12:00:00 AM

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