
Jonathan Le

by Lisa from Newark, California

My hero is My Brother. He is the oldest of 3. He is 15 years older then I. You would think he would be too old to relate to me and be too old to have fun and not know what kids like these days, but that’s not true. He is always coming home asking me why I’m not out and at a party. He is always willing to drop me off and talk to my parents to let me go out.

He is my hero because he always knows what to do and is always there for me. Helping me out in school, tutoring me after work when he is tired, helping me out at home, getting me out of trouble and backing me up when it comes to my parents. He takes me out to lunch and to the mall and let me get some stuff. He pays for my phone bill and gets me what i want if he thinks i deserve it.

He has his own house and runs his own business with my uncle. He is a hard worker during the week and a partier during the weekend. He knows how to balance everything. He is always on top of things and know how to fix anything. He has a good mind, always knowing what to say and good at figuring things out.

I love my brother like a fat kid loves cake. He is one man that I will always love no matter what. Even when we fight, I still got love for him.

I will always be there for my brother and I know for a fact that he will be there for me too. Whenever I need help in school or at home, all I have to do is call him and he's there. I Love You.

Page created on 10/6/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 10/6/2010 12:00:00 AM

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