Essays on the Theme of Heroism

Greta Thunberg. Not all heroes wear capes

by Marharyta Biloshytska from Kyiv in Ukraine

169384Not all heroes wear capes Thunberg is a name that has become a symbol of a new generation of activists, who resolutely fighting for the salvation of our planet. In her actions and words, I see true heroism and self dedication and it admires me to the depths of the soul. Greta is not just a teenager, raising his voice against the inaction of adults. She is the embodiment of the desire for justice, courage and uncompromising desire to change the world for the better. Her heroism is manifested in each of its actions, in its ability to withstand the most powerful forces on the planet and inspire millions of people to change.

The first aspect, which causes me deep respect for the Greek, is her incredible courage in opposition to world leaders and corporations. When Greta is opposed to the UN or on the World Economic Forum, it is not afraid to tell the truth. Her shrill words "How you dare!" At the climate summit in 2019, they became slapted for all those who closed the eyes of the eyes to the real threat to climate change. At this moment I see the strength worthy of the real hero. Greta is not afraid to indicate mistakes and hypocrisy adults, it is not afraid to be a loud, bright and even uncomfortable. This requires courage, because her critics are not just those who do not agree with her, but the most powerful people of the world. But Greta stands firmly and unshakably, and it inspires.

The second moment, which admires me especially, is the willingness of the Greta to sacrifice personal comfort and security for their convictions. In 2019, she crossed the Atlantic Ocean on a sailing yacht to minimize their carbon footprint, proving that her words do not diverge with the case. This journey was far from simple: two weeks in harsh conditions, no amenities, with a risk for health. But for the Greth, it was a symbolic act - she showed that it was ready to go to any sacrifices for his conviction that each of us should do everything possible to protect the planet. This act reminds me that heroism is not just loud statements, but concrete actions supported by a personal example. Greta will inspire millions of people around the world, especially young people, to real actions and change habits.

The third aspect of the heroism of the Greta Thunberg is its impact on public opinion and in the ability to mobilize millions of people, especially young people, to combat climate change. Thanks to her school strike, Friday for Future movement has become a world phenomenon that united people of all ages and professions around the idea of climate justice. Greta turned the environmental crisis from the topic for scientists and politicians in the problem that concerns each. Her activism made us think about our role in the destruction of nature and responsibility for the future generation. She gave a voice to those who often have no right to vote, are young people who will live in the world created by the decisions of today's adults.

Why do I admire Greta Thunberg? Because it embodies the best features of mankind: the courage, durability and faith in the fact that one person can change the world. It does not agree to the smaller, not inferior in the face of criticism and threats, and continues to fight for what believes, even when it seems impossible. She reminds us that each of us can be a hero if we are ready to defend our beliefs and act in the name of the highest ideals. Greta Thunberg is a hero of our time. She teaches us courage, honesty and dedication. Her struggle for climate justice is the struggle for the best future for all of us. In her actions, I see the hope that humanity is capable of great accomplishments, if we are not afraid to go against the current and do what we consider the right one. Let her example inspire each of us on the changes that we want to see in the world.

Page created on 9/1/2024 6:07:33 PM

Last edited 9/2/2024 1:05:06 PM

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