Harriet Ross was born a slave in 1821. Her given name was Arminta Ross. She was born on the eastern coast of Maryland. Her master was Edward Brodas. After Brodas died his heir ran things on the plantation.
As a conductor on the Underground Railroad Harriet brought over 300 runaway slaves to freedom. In her 19 trips she brought all of her relatives still in Maryland.
When the Civil war came Harriet Tubman played an imporent part in the war. At first she was a spy and scout. Then she went to Port Royal. In the islands first hospital she was head nurse. She was a spy there as well.
After the war she began to age. On March 10, 1913 she died. She was 93 years old.
Page created on 12/21/2005 5:44:29 PM
Last edited 12/21/2005 5:44:29 PM