
Harriet Tubman

by Trinity Barbera from San Diego

123497An image of Harriet TubmanBiography.comOn the cold plantation that she grew up on; an overseer threw a brick at the young girls head, causing her seizures for the rest of her life. This young girl is Harriet Tubman, an inspiring and fearless women. Harriet Tubman was an abolitionist in the 1800’s, her courageous acts of bravery freed over 700 slaves. She was born into slavery alongside her 8 siblings. Throughout her life she changed into a bold and heroic women for the better. Harriet Tubman was courageous and selfless, but most of all she was heroic. She was able to free hundreds of slaves and never lost a single passenger.

Tubman was a very courageous women. It was because of this bravery why she is considered a hero. In 1821 Tubman joined the civil army: “Tubman became the first woman to lead an assault during the Civil War in the Combahee River Raid where 700 slaves ‘were set free,’” ( Through her bravery, Tubman stands as an inspirational character in many people’s lives. Her courage and ability to fight for others illustrates her as a heroic character in U.S history. Harriet Tubman was a leader to many during the civil war, because of this she was given respect and praise: “ Harriet Tubman's ability to "command her army" of escapees that he dubbed her "General" Tubman”...Most remarkable of all Union spies," Tubman was also recognized as "the first and possibly the last woman to lead U.S. Army troops in battle,” ( Tubman was the first women to lead an assault in the civil war, because of this she stands as a role model to all. Through her bravery she showed how all stereotypes can be broken and illustrates that anyone can do anything. Harriet Tubman is considered a hero because of her courageous acts and brave heart.

123518Adventures through the under ground railroadFlickr.comThis hero is not only courageous but they are selfless too. Throughout Tubman’s life, she did a lot of considerate things; leading hundreds of slaves to freedom was one of them: “Harriet Tubman is perhaps the most well-known of all the Underground Railroad's ‘conductors.’ During a ten-year span she made 19 trips into the South and escorted over 300 slaves to freedom. And, as she once proudly pointed out to Frederick Douglass, in all of her journeys she ‘never lost a single passenger,’”( Despite the tragic events that she had experienced in the South; she made multiple trips and saved hundreds of slaves. Tubman’s selfless determination to free slaves is what makes her such an inspiring hero. Being the selfless hero that she is, she stood up for another field hand not knowing that her life would change forever: ”Always ready to stand up for someone else, Tubman blocked a doorway to protect another field hand from an angry overseer. The overseer picked up and threw a two-pound weight at the field hand. It fell short, striking Tubman on the head. She never fully recovered from the blow, which subjected her to spells in which she would fall into a deep sleep,” ( After the incident on the farm, she continued to save lives and never let her disabilities hold her back. Her selflessness, despite her own needs, illustrates Tubman as a hero and gives hope to many.Tubman was determined to stop slavery with or without her disability. Her ability to put people’s needs before her own is what makes Harriet Tubman a hero.

Freeing hundreds of slaves; selfless and courageous Harriet Tubman is considered a hero to many. Tubman’s bravery and selflessness gave her a need to help others. Being the first women to lead a U.S army troop in battle proved her bravery and fearlessness. Despite her own needs, she persevered and found a way to free slaves and save lives. Tubman’s courage and selflessness is why she made such an inspirational impact in the U.S, because of this, Harriet Tubman is a hero.

Works Cited

"Harriet Tubman." Contemporary Black Biography, vol. 9, Gale, 1995. Biography In Context,  Accessed 27 Mar. 2018.

Harriet Tubman |America's Library - Library of Congress,

PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, (2018). Timeline of the Life of Harriet Tubman : Harriet Tubman. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Mar. 2018].


Page created on 4/18/2018 7:25:27 PM

Last edited 4/18/2018 7:58:30 PM

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Related Links

Harriet Tubman - Illustrates the life of Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman - Shows the important moments through Tubman's life