
Harriet Tubman

by Lauren F from Georgetown, Ontario in Canada

Harriet began work as a house servant. Worst of all, being enslaved meant that Harriet's whole family and her were owned by someone else. Harriet Tubman was born in March of 1822 her mother was Harriet Rit and her father was Ben Ross and her siblings' names were Ben, Rachel, Moses, Lina, Soph, Robert and Henry Ross.

When Harriet was born her slave name was Minty or Aaminta; she had no idea what birthdays were. At age five or six they could sell them whenever they wanted to. They sold 2 of Harriet's younger siblings. Then someone wanted to buy her younger brother Moses but Harriet's mother refused and he was ok. 


Seven years later Harriet was sent to work in fields while she was still in her early teens. When she was 13 she was walking around when a slave ran out of a barn and the master was trying to hit him with a heavy weight but it missed him and hit her right in the head and nearly killed her. And that very same moment changed her whole life. Minty recovered and grew strong and determined to be free.


After she heard the news that she would be sold away just like her siblings and into the even more brutal conditions of slavery in the deep South, she had a plan and on the night of fall in 1849 she took a huge risk of getting caught and killed but she did it anyway. She escaped from slavery alone. The trip was hard because a lot of people were looking for her. but she used disguises, she walked, rode horses and hid on wagons, sailed on boats and rode on real trains.


And finally found freedom in Philadelphia Pennsylvania once she was free she was so happy but she felt like something wasn't right so she went back for her family and friends and 70 more slaves. And brought them to an underground railroad and kept rescuing and going back for more people. She managed to save most of her family but while she was going back for her siblings she brought back Ben Robert Henry and Moses. but realized her sister Rachel had sadly passed away and she was also unable to rescue her niece and nephew.


She finally got to rest and got married to John Tubman and Nelson Davis and adopted a daughter Gertie Davis. She was a life changer. Harriet sadly passed away due to pneumonia on  March 10 1913 but she lived 91 years. Harriet's last words were ‘I go away to prepare a place for you, that where I am so you also may be.'


Harriet Tubman is my hero because she freed hundreds of slaves she was holding decades prior to the civil war and after all the hard times in her life she kept persisting to get freedom and if she didn't do that, most of our world to this day wouldn't be as free as it is today.

                                                       The end  

  Thank you for reading my essay about Harriet Tubman :)

Page created on 12/10/2024 4:44:39 PM

Last edited 12/11/2024 5:58:44 PM

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