Imagine putting your life on the line every day to help others, working more than 12 hours and getting rashes from medical equipment such as masks. That's what healthcare professionals are doing every day to give us a healthy and coronavirus-free life. Healthcare professionals are working very hard to keep the coronavirus from spreading, find a vaccine for the virus, and keep the virus from getting to them and their families. Healthcare professionals are my coronavirus heroes by risking their lives to keep me from getting the virus.
One of the reasons why healthcare professionals are my coronavirus heroes is because they have been working very hard and risking their health to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Most healthcare workers are at high risk for the virus but are continuing to fight for our health and safety anyway. The article "Coronavirus: 6 Measures To Sustain The Heathcare Workforce paragraph 13" states, “Many healthcare workers have conditions that elevate risk for severe infection or death if they become infected with COVID-19, so organizations will need to decide whether such workers, including physicians, should be redeployed away from the highest risk sites." This shows the conflicts and hardships that healthcare professionals have to go through just to keep us safe.
Another reason why healthcare professionals are my coronavirus heroes is because they are working more than 12 hours every day to find a vaccine for the coronavirus. Many people are working endless hours without rest to find a vaccine for this virus to not only prevent spreading but to prevent deaths in family members. In the article "The stock market is rising on hope for a pharma solution to coronavirus — here’s how close we are," paragraph 6 states, “The eradication of the coronavirus is so critical to the health of the U.S. economy that investors have snapped up stocks.” This shows just how essential this vaccine is and healthcare professionals are working hard to get it to us. I am so grateful that healthcare professionals are working to get us this vaccine so that the spread slows and I don’t get the virus.
Finally, one last reason why healthcare professionals are my coronavirus heroes is because they have been putting not only their health on the line but their families' health on the line for me and my family's health. In the article "Pandemic puts health care workers' mental health on the line," paragraph 7 states, “She particularly misses the physical touch of her family. 'I really can't do that. Because at any point in time, you don't know if you've got it. And to pass it along to them – I'd never forgive myself.'” This shows just how much healthcare workers are risking their and their families life to keep us healthy.
Overall, I believe that healthcare professionals are essential to stopping the spread of the virus, and I am very grateful that we have them to keep us healthy. I am also grateful that my family and I are healthy, and I owe it all to our healthcare professionals. Therefore, healthcare professionals are my coronavirus heroes because they are working very hard to stop the spread of the virus and to find a vaccine for the virus, and they are putting them and their families lives on the line to keep us healthy.
Page created on 4/20/2020 6:06:50 PM
Last edited 4/21/2020 7:33:28 PM