International Day of Peace Resources to use with the Lesson Plan 

Multimedia Resources to use with the International Day of Peace Lesson Plan

Short Films

The Sunrise Storyteller - Trailer

By: Marla Slavner

The Sunrise Storyteller follows the hero's journey of teenage filmmaker & social justice advocate, Kasha Sequoia Slavner. (1:54 min. run time)

A Declaration of Interdependence

By: Global participants

Award Winning Director Tiffany Shlain:  Her revision of the Declaration of Independence as A Declaration of Interdependence! (4:18 min. run time)

Azim Khamisa: The Tool of Forgiveness

By: The Institute for Advancing Unity/The Working Group

A grieving father overcomes tragedy by creating something beautiful in his son's name - Tariq Khamisa. (7:45 min. run time)

Post-war Machismo: Be a Man

By: Liz Mermin

Dragan Kisin became a a community leader and non-violence advocate after joining the Be a Man club in Bosnia and Herzegovina's Banja Luka. (8:35 run time)

Moral Courage: Stopping shootings in Brooklyn before they start

By: Adam Grannick and Moral Courage TV

Save Our Streets organization works to prevent violence from happening to the youths of Crown Heights. (3:06 min. run time)

The Peace of Wild Things

By: Katy Wang

When despair for the world grows in me… ...I come into the peace of wild things. ~Wendell Barry (1:17 min. run time)

A Battle for Peace

By: Walking the dog / Directed by: Joost Jansen

A soldier goes to the front during World War I, whose horrors make him realize that the enemy is actually war itself. (1:10 min. run time)

Upstanders: The Mosque Across the Street

By: Howard Schultz and Rajiv Chandrasekaran

What happens when a mosque moves across the street from a church in the Bible Belt? (5:09 min. run time)

Prayers for Peace

By: Dustin Grella

A young man seeks peace on behalf of his brother. (7:20 min. run time)

Hands Up Don't Shoot

By: RAP ARTIST:Queen McElrath

Nashville students, Queen McElraths how love afor Michael Brown and the people of Ferguson Missouri. (3:17 min. run time)

Pray the Devil Back to Hell - excerpt

By: Abigail Disney (Producer) and Gini Reticker (Director)

This documentary sheds light on the "Womens Peace Movement of Liberia," and celebrates these unsung heroes. 5:14 min. run time

FAMBUL TOK (Family Talk) [Trailer]

By: Sara Terry

Using the safety of the family circle to heal a nation. (2:12 min. run time)

Beyond Right and Wrong - Extended Trailer

By: Lekha Singh and Rebecca Chaiklin

 Beyond Right & Wrong explores how survivors move on from violent conflict and become heroes of peace. (5:13 min run time)

Defying Death in South Sudan

By: Francis Mead

Defying death in South Sudan. Featuring Humanitarian Hero Award Winner Ken Payumo. (7:24 min. run time)

Reclaiming Pakistan

By: Lisa Donato

A civil rights activist, Mohammad Jibran Nasir, sparks a social revolution after almost 140 children were killed in the Peshawar Army School tragedy. (8:26 min. run time)

Honoring RON KOVIC

By: Jeanne Meyers

Ron Kovic is an accomplished author, painter, and activist who has worked for world peace over the last 40 years. (4:23 min. run time)

Right To Play [Excerpt]

By: Frank Marshall

Olympian Johann Olav Koss embarked on a remarkable journey to use sports to improve the lives of African children. (6:37 min. run time)

Mohamed Sidibay is a survivor of a horrific civil war in Sierra Leone, where he was forced to fight as a child soldier. Now he advocates for better access to education worldwide. (2:48 min. run time)

International Day of Peace - Mohamed Sidibay - Teaching Peace
Credit: MH


Tarana Burke

By: Winnie Liu
Tarana Burke is a civil rights activist who created the #MeToo movement.

Azim Khamisa

By: Monica Olson
Azim Khamisa founded the Tariq Khamisa Foundation to encourage forgiveness.

Shannon Watts: A Driving Force Behind Gun Violence Prevention

By: Abigail Richardson
Shannon Watts is a prominent figure in the fight against gun violence in the United States

Mattie Stepanek

By: Jim Hawkins
Mattie Stepanek is a hero to people of all ages around the world.

Mohandas K. Gandhi

By: Uday from San Diego

Nelson Mandela

By: Kevin from San Diego

Azim Khamisa: Forgiveness

By: Naomi Gledhill
Azim Khamisa founded the Tariq Khamisa Foundation (TKF) with the hopes of preventing more tragedies, like the death of his son, from occurring.

Malala Yousafzai

By: Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn McFarland was a finalist in the Mattie J.T. Stepanek Poetry Contest for her poem about Malala

Le Ly Hayslip

By: Claudia Hudson
Le Ly Hayslip is a humanitarian, memoirist, and peacemaker.

Desmond Tutu

By: Wendy Jewell from The MY HERO Project
Desmond Tutu worked to end apartheid in South Africa and encourages forgiveness.

Jeni Stepanek

By: Claudia Herrera Hudson
Jeni Stepanek is an ambassador for Muscular Dystrophy who continues to spread her son Mattie's message of peace.

My Hero, Mattie

By: Mark Cavanagh
Poem about Mattie Stepanek, an American child poet who had dysautonomic mitochondrial myopathy.

Walk. Listen. Care. Grassroots women’s groups help keep peace in Kenya

By: Mukelwa Hlatshwayo, CSM Contributor

Peacemakers and political reforms transforming Kenya’s political culture.

Samar Minallah Khan

By: Abigail Richardson
Samar is a filmmaker, anthropologist and activist. In the media, she has been referred to as ‘The Savior of Souls,’ and the ‘Women that changed Pakistan.’

Organizer created on 8/26/2024 11:22:37 AM by Laura Nietzer

Last edited 8/28/2024 4:37:08 PM by Laura Nietzer