International Day of Peace Multimedia Lesson Plan 

Students explore the concept of peace and how individuals and groups work towards and build an understanding of the significance of the International Day of Peace.

Lesson Plan: International Day of Peace

Grade Level: 6-12
Subject: Social Studies / Global Studies / Humanities
Duration: 1-2 class periods (45-90 minutes)



  • Understand the significance of the International Day of Peace.
  • Explore the concept of peace and how individuals and groups work towards it.
  • Analyze and reflect on stories of peacebuilders using MY HERO resources.



  • Computer with internet access
  • Projector or smartboard
  • MY HERO website access
  • Printed handouts or digital documents
  • Paper and pens/pencils
  • Optional: art supplies for creative projects



  • Social Studies: Understand the importance of global issues and international cooperation.
  • Language Arts: Analyze and interpret stories and narratives.
  • Arts: Create representations of concepts using various media.


Lesson Procedure:

1. Introduction to International Day of Peace (40 minutes)

  • Discussion:
    • Begin with a brief discussion on what peace means to students. Ask questions such as, “What does peace look like in your community?” and “Why is it important to have a day dedicated to peace?”
    • Introduce the International Day of Peace, observed on September 21 each year, and discuss its origins and objectives.
  • Video Clip:
    • Show this short film, International Day of Peace (approximately 30 minute run time) to introduce the importance of peace and the International Day of Peace.

2. Exploring MY HERO Resources (20-30 minutes)

  • Introduction to MY HERO:

    • Explain that MY HERO is a platform that highlights stories of individuals who have made significant contributions to promoting peace and positive change.
  • Activity:

    • Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a peacebuilder story from the MY HERO website. Each group will read and analyze their assigned story.
    • Possible peacebuilders to explore: Malala Yousafzai, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, or local heroes featured on MY HERO.
  • Group Discussion:

    • Each group will present a summary of their assigned peacebuilder, discussing their contributions to peace and the impact they’ve made.
    • Facilitate a class discussion on the common themes and messages found in these stories. Focus on how these individuals have addressed conflicts, promoted understanding, and fostered peace.

3. Reflective Activity (15-20 minutes)

  • Reflection Prompt:
    • Ask students to write a brief reflection on what they have learned about peace and the individuals who work towards it. Encourage them to think about how they can contribute to peace in their own communities.
  • Creative Project:
    • Optional: Students can create a poster, a digital presentation, or a short skit illustrating their vision of peace or a summary of their favorite peacebuilder’s story.

4. Conclusion (10 minutes)

  • Sharing:
    • Have a few students share their reflections or creative projects with the class.
  • Action Plan:
    • Discuss simple actions students can take to promote peace in their daily lives, such as acts of kindness, conflict resolution, or community service.


  • Participation in discussions and activities.
  • Quality and insightfulness of reflections or creative projects.
  • Understanding demonstrated through group presentations and individual contributions.


  • Homework/ Class Project:

    • Research a local or global peace initiative and the people involved. Write a story, create a piece of art or short film highlighting the contribution these individuals make towards promoting peace to share with MY HERO using the Create Program for publication on the website.
  • Service Learning Project:

    • Plan a class project that involves participating in or organizing an event related to peace, such as a community clean-up, a kindness campaign, or a peace rally.

By using MY HERO resources, this lesson plan aims to inspire students by showing real-life examples of individuals who have made a significant impact on promoting peace and understanding across the globe.

Organizer created on 8/26/2024 11:16:44 AM by Laura Nietzer

Last edited 8/28/2024 4:20:50 PM by Laura Nietzer