International Polar Bear Day

February 27

International Polar Bear Day
Credit: Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

It's hard not to love polar bears, the magnificent, furry white sea mammals who spend most of their time in the water. 

International Polar Bear Day is led by Polar Bear International, a non-profit polar bear conservation organization. It is celebrated on February 27 each year.

The day raises awareness of the plight of polar bears, which reside in the Arctic Circle and are in danger of extinction: Because of climate change, the Arctic Ocean is warming, and the sea ice that polar bears need to hunt for seals is melting. Polar bears, rarely seen on land, have now been foraging for food in towns, looking dirty and thin. Scientists observe they are getting smaller and reproducing less. 

What can you do? 

At MY HERO, we believe heroes come from all walks of life. Find out how you can get involved, whether you're a student, teacher or just someone who loves polar bears at

As a symbolic gestures PBI asks you to take a pledge on February 27 to lower your thermostat and drive less. 

Live Polar Bear Cams from EXPLORE

Check out the live Polar Bear Cams from EXPLORE is the largest live nature cam network on the planet. Explore’s growing library consists of more than 250 original films and 30,000 photographs from around the world!

Watch this short documentary about the devestating effects man-made climate change is having on Polar Bears.

Polar Bears and Climate Change

Andrew Watson
A mini documentary film by Yorkshire Wildlife Park Foundation & Polar Bears International about the devastating effects man-made climate change is having on Polar Bears and our our planet's environment.

The Arctic in IMAX

Student Essays on Protecting the Earth

Earth Protectors

By: Cody from Statesville
Protect the earth

World Wildlife Fund

By: Brittany from Fort Wayne

Ocean Conservation

Did you know polar bears are considered sea mammals because they spend so much of their time in the water? Find out more about ocean conservation, which impacts all of us, including polar bears!

"One World One Ocean" is a global campaign led by Greg MacGillivray and his family to raise awareness for ocean conservation.

One World One Ocean

Producer: MacGillivray Freeman Films
One World One Ocean campaign inspires stewardship of the sea.

Organizer created on 2/1/2018 6:53:04 PM by Xenia Shin

Last edited 1/21/2025 9:39:16 AM by Abigail Richardson