
Judy vasquez

by heather from saginaw

My hero is so special to me, she is my sister. Her name is Judy Vasquez. Judy grew up in Fort Worth texas. She just graduated from school. She has a little girl that is 8 months. All her friends and family thought she wasn't going to graduate from school, but she showed them. While she was preganet she had to find a ride to school and then had to find a ride to work. I think her life was pretty hard.

The qualities that I like about her, is that she was always there for me. She makes me happy when I am sad or mad. She also helps me when I need her help.

The lessons that I have learned, that I can use in my life, is not to have a baby while I am still in school. Another quality is that it is hard to take care of a baby so young. That is my hero, my sister.

Page created on 2/15/2001 12:37:23 PM

Last edited 2/15/2001 12:37:23 PM

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