
Jacinda Ardern

by Tallulah Park from San Diego, California in United States

“I am not the first woman to multi-task. I am not the first woman to work and have a baby  — there are many women who have done this before.”

“I think a hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people” (“Maya Angelou Quotes.”). Maya Angelou describes a hero in the most simple yet real way. This description is true to Jacinda Ardern and her intent towards the people of her country as the prime minister of New Zealand. Ardern graduated from the University of Waikato in 2001 with a bachelor's degree in communication ( "Jacinda Ardern." Gale). Ardern is the current leader of the labour party in New Zealand. On October 26, 2017 at the age of 37, Jacinda Ardern became the youngest female leader in the world elected as a world leader. She became prime minister of her home country New Zealand ( "Jacinda Ardern." Gale). On June 21, 2018 Jacinda Ardern Gave birth to her first baby girl named Neve, thus making Ardern the first prime minister of New Zealand and only the second world leader to give birth while in office ( "Jacinda Ardern." Gale). As Ardern gained control of office she had to start focusing on her family. However, she stayed true to her values and has continued to take care of her citizens since. Jacinda Ardern is a dedicated politician; however her caring and determination attributes are what make her a hero.

129939Jacinda Ardern in Action Caring for Children's Education Ardern is changing her country though her care for her citizens. Ardern expressed her care and hope for the future generations when she stated, “'I hope for little girls and boys that actually there's a future where they can make choices about how they raise their family and what kind of career they have that are based on what they want and what makes them happy,' she added” ( "New Zealand PM " ). Ardern hopes for her country that there is a future where everyone is happy and able to make their own decisions. Even though Ardern will not be prime minister during this time, she still wants her country prepared for its future. She wants all the children set for success in their own ways. The way she thinks about the future and her want for everyone to be happy is how her care and thoughtfulness for her people is expressed. She wants them to be happy and have free will. Ardern voices her ideas of common morality as, “‘This is the right thing to do.’ She used that line this month when announcing that New Zealand would accept 500 more refugees per year starting in 2020, raising the country’s quota to 1,500. The phrase also appeared in her speeches announcing policies to freeze lawmakers’ pay and increase paid parental leave”(Graham-McLay). Ardern made the decision to help others that are in need. The refugees will put her country at a small hindrance, but she knows that these people need a home and a nation to look after them. Ardern sees this selfless act as a clear moral thing to do and doesn’t shy away from helping others. She repeated her words in order to describe her new policies on helping families and new parents. Jacinda Ardern worked as a staff member for prior prime minister Helen Clark, Clark stated that,  “‘She’s definitely struck a chord with the comments about kindness, and she exhibits that herself; you don’t hear a mean word come out of Jacinda’s mouth,’ Ms. Clark said. ‘She is genuinely a nice and decent and kind person. But we’re also seeing as she develops into the office that she’s firm’”(Graham-McLay). Ms. Clark is someone that Jacinda Ardern has known since she started in politics. Clark knows Ardern well as a politician and as a person. She describes her honestly as a nice person with morals and a firm hand. She uses the word genuine as to say that she is naturally caring and not being this way for the camera and the press, but just because it is in her nature. Ardern uses her power to convince Parliament to aid her in her mission to help the nation. Ardern doesn’t fit into the common stereotype of politicians being cruel forceful liars; she is caring in and out of the office for all people.

129941Jacinda Ardern Advocating for Human Rights Ardern is a hero whose continuous determination is bettering the world. Ardern has plans greater than her country: “Ms. Ardern sees her mission as global. She’s a strong proponent of multilateralism, and while New Zealand is a small nation accustomed to not being ‘the most powerful voice in the room,’ she said, ‘power comes in many forms now’”(Graham-McLay). Multilateralism is the influence that your country has. Right now New Zealand is one of the smallest countries with little influence. Ardern is determined to commence change where she can and increase New Zealand’s overall ability to change the world. Change starts somewhere and Ardern wants to do whatever she can with what little power she has. Ardern addressed her opinion on her newly born child in an interview and said, “'Hopefully these things that in these moments now are a novelty one day they aren't new any more,' said Ms Ardern, who was clearly not too lost in newborn baby fog to emphasise the significance of her domestic set up for gender equality”( "New Zealand PM " ). Ardern is seeing a future where there are more women taking charge and more men willing to stay at home with the children. She went though what most people claim to be one of the hardest and most rewarding things to do and is still humble. She is determined to show the world that women can be leaders and mothers at the same time. Ardern uses this experience to reinforce her fight towards gender equality and her determination to make it happen. Jacinda Ardern used to work at a fish and chip shop at a coeducational college: "...whose school-uniform requirements mandated skirts for female students--a sartorial legacy from a more conservative era--and one which Ardern opposed. She ran for a seat on the school council, campaigning for dress-code reform, and won not only her first election but also her first attempt to enact genuine change when the school administration agreed to modernize the dress code"("Jacinda Ardern." Newsmakers). Ardern has been fighting for gender equality even before she was involved in politics. She’s determined to win this fight and has taken action towards solving this problem. Getting on student council also displayed Ardern’s persuasive ability and her connection with the people. Ardern was able to fix the policy for everyone on campus. That day Ardern made a small but effective dent into today’s idea of gender norms and female capability. Ardern has been fighting many just fights for many years and has slowly been able to change her country and eventually the world through her determination to help others.

129944Jacinda Ardern and her family with spouse Clarke Gayford Ardern cares for her citizens and is determined to better her country, but it is what she stands for and the actions that she takes that make her a hero and an inspiration. Jacinda Ardern sees more for her country and believes, “That idea that power cannot be accompanied by notions of compassion and kindness and empathy,” she added. “That’s something that I refuse to accept”(Graham-McLay). Ardern is redefining what it means to be a leader by showing her natural instinct to help and to show compassion for others. She shows her determination to get her job done while still holding herself to care for others and not yell or go behind people’s backs to get her job done. Ardern and her partner are redefining what it takes to be a parent, “Ardern's office announced that she will take the next six weeks off to bond with her baby, while her partner will take on the role of full-time dad.”( "New Zealand PM”). Ardern and her partner, Clarke Gayford, are becoming international inspirations for their progressive thinking on how to raise children. Ardern is redefining what it means to be a working mom in today's era and exemplifying that not all women have to stop working to become moms. Her actions are inspiring to young women and men all around the world to push gender stereotypes. Ardern is an inspiration for her ability to seemingly do it all. She holds herself strong and able care for everyone and still fight for people not just in her country but for people around the world. She pushes the bounds of female limits and increasing her influence in a room by still keep a calm and caring composure. She inspires me to be determined to reach my goals and demand what I want and need. Ardern inspires me to stick up for others. She makes me feel like I can amount to any goal and to push through stereotypes with care and love rather than hate and violence. Jacinda Ardern has the pure intent of making the world a better place for all people around the globe.





Works Cited

Graham- McLay, Charlotte. “Jacinda Ardern's Progressive Politics Made Her a Global

Sensation. But Do They Work at Home?” The New York Times, The New York Times, 26 Sept. 2018,

"Jacinda Ardern." Gale Biography in Context, Gale, 2017. Biography In Context, Accessed 7 Dec. 2018.

"Jacinda Ardern." Newsmakers, vol. 2, Gale, 2018. Biography In Context, Accessed 11 Dec. 2018.

“Maya Angelou Quotes.” BrainyQuote, Xplore,

"New Zealand PM is terrific - but being a new mum in politics (or any profession) is still a minefield." Daily Mail [London, England], 25 June 2018, p. 12. Biography In Context, Accessed 11 Dec. 2018.

Rueckert, Phineas. “5 Awesome Quotes from New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern on Her Pregnancy.” Global Citizen, 19 Jan. 2018,

Page created on 1/10/2019 1:47:51 AM

Last edited 1/14/2019 3:29:43 AM

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