
Jack Morales

by Cisco Betances from Tampa, Florida in United States

127866My DadJack MoralesMy hero is my dad, he is smart, hard working, fun, cool and the best dad in the world. I love him very much! The reason why I think he is so smart is because whenever I ask him anything he always knows the answer. If he doesn't know the answer he is not to proud to say so and is quick to look it up on the Internet. The best reason of all is that he had the choice to come into my life and pick me to be his son and that makes him one smart man.

127867ME and DadBucs Game day He is also a very hard working man. The reason why I know he works so hard is because sometimes I get to go to his job and see him in action. I also see how hard he works around the house. He works really hard to always have money to buy my brothers and I all of the stuff we want. We have a really nice house and car so he must have really worked hard to get us that. Like I said, best dad ever.

Dad is the best at having fun. He always knows all the cool places to go, all the cool music to listen to and all the cool shoes to wear.  There is not a man that I know that is cooler then my dad. We have so much fun when we go to places like Comic Con, Universal Studios and so many other theme parks and places that are too many to list. Even if we just stay home we have fun playing with costumes, toys and video games. One of my favorites is to watch movies then talk about all the actors with him. When I grow up and become a dad, I am going to be just like him.

Page created on 8/9/2018 8:55:51 PM

Last edited 8/10/2018 4:13:18 PM

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Related Links

Debbie N JAck Morales - My parents facebook page. They share all the fun we have.