
Jackie Preciado

by John Preciado from United States

124620" Keep studying, then make your dreams come true"Personal Photo 

I will be talking about my hero; she is my sister. Her name is Jackie. My sister is a hero to me because she gives money to homeless people. She inspires me because she is nice, kind, full of passion and thoughtful. An obstacle my sister has faced is learning how to balance her life. She is a mother of 3 boys, and she also works as a legal secretary. 

My sister’s best childhood memories are going to our Nina's and Nino's house, who are our grandma and grandpa. My sister would sit on their laps and look at the stars while they sang to her. In high school her hobby was dancing; she was in the schools dance company team.

Page created on 5/21/2018 3:18:45 PM

Last edited 5/30/2018 3:12:32 PM

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