Jackie Roosevelt Robinson By: Nicholas Johnsonthe famous 42 which is no longer worn in remembrance of Robinsonhttps://www.google.com/search?q=Jackie+robinson&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS758US758&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiRhZ7p-YnYAhUn44MKHQIBCBIQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=949#imgrc=nNnXWw5B5bWhdM:
How would it feel to stand out in the crowd? Everyone knew you, but many despised you. Jackie Roosevelt Robinson stood out in the crowd and has fought through many different kinds of hatred. Jackie has had a great life as a child and adult. He has won and been awarded many awards for his trophy case. He even has his own day in the MLB. But, beside the awards and the fame (in both ways good and bad fame) Jackie Roosevelt Robinson is a hero for many more reasons. No matter what level of hatred he receives or how many bumps he goes through he will always be a hero in my eyes and in everyone's eyes.
Biographical information
Jackie Robinson had a very fruitful life. Jackie Roosevelt Robinson was born to the Robinson family in Cairo, Georgia January 31st in 1919. Jackie was the youngest of 5 Robinson children. Jackie grew up in love with sports. He was a champion in every sport imaginable. Jackie was African American and as all African Americans was not treated fairly because of race. However, this man accomplished a lot and did not let anything bring him down from reaching for the stars. This man was the first African American in the MLB. This league was strictly WHITE! But, Jackie did it. He had made it to the MLB.
Jackie's brother who inspired him to play sportshttps://www.google.com/search?q=Mack+robinson&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS758US758&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi46tyH-onYAhUq7oMKHWELDhUQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=949#imgrc=Cfic-wk8365CkM: Family/Early Life
Jackie had his more famous days as an adult but he was once a child like everyone is once. Jackie was not born with a love of sports. Like everyone he had to develop a love for them. One person who really influenced him was his brother Mack Robinson. Mack won a silver medal in the Germany Olympics of 1936. With that influencing Jackie to chase a love of sports. He loved almost every sport! If that is not enough for you he was a champion in a whole lot of those sports! Once he left his 5 older siblings and his parents for college he decided to enroll in U.C.L.A. Once he graduated he went to the Army even though he was never put in to battle.
Major Accomplishments
Do you know just how much Jackie Robinson accomplish? Well, for starters he was the first African American baseball player in the MLB. Jackie was a champion. Not in just one sport but in every single imaginable sport. However, there is one sport that he was not just a champion in but a hall of famer in, the MLB. The MLB is the sport where Jackie thrived. His life was baseball. After all that was his job! And it would not be his job if it was not for his brothers passion and love for sports.
Jackie Robinson day held on April 15th to honor Jackie on the day of his debuthttps://www.nydailynews.com/sports/baseball/jackie-robinson-day-gallery-1.53549
Heroic Virtues
Jackie Robinson is not a hero for just any reason, a lot of things make Jackie a hero. Jackie is a sports hero. Jackie was very brave and courageous for playing throughout insults and racism. Many people despised him but did he care, NOT AT ALL! Jackie Robinson's hero type is a Sports Hero. He inspired people and did his best in sports, specifically baseball. Jackie Robinson's courage was strength and verbal because he was not known for his abilities on the field but he stood up for his race.
Jackie's hall of fame plaquehttps://www.mlb.com/video/jackie-robinsons-hof-speech/c-32074803
In conclusion Jackie is a hero because he inspires us to accomplish what we have the potential to accomplish every day no matter how much hate we receive. Jackie teaches this because he fought through all the hate he received on and off the field. Jackie's accomplishments are not the only thing that make him a hero in my eyes, it is the message he spreads. That is what really counts about what he did for all of us. So, no matter how different we are we can feel like any other human being on the earth. We should all remember his message of kindness
Page created on 12/14/2017 4:57:23 PM
Last edited 2/15/2018 2:09:16 AM