
Jackie Chan

by Alex from Cincinnati

What do you think of when you hear the word “HERO"? A hero can be anyone or anything. A hero can be a superstar, athlete or a cancer survivor. A hero can be tall or short or fat or skinny. A hero is a person that you can look up to or sets a good example. My hero is Jackie Chan.

Jackie Chan was born in Hong Kong, China in 1951. He was born into poverty in a very poor family, so poor they almost had to sell him to pay the hospital bills. Jackie’s parents would have had to sell him if a family member did not pitch in and buy Jackie. Also Jackie flunked out of the first grade.

Jackie Chan is still living, and currently lives in Hollywood, California. Jackie Chan is currently 53 years of age. Jackie Chan has made a difference in the world by giving money to retirement homes.

Jackie Chan is a hero that T. A. Barron describes as a hero to others near and far. Jackie is a hero to others near and far because he gives money to others in need of it that are near and far. He fits this definition because he earns money in the movie business and then gives it to charities and retirement homes.

The story of Jackie Chan’s life is an interesting and a courageous one. This shows that even if you do live in poverty as a child, you can still become rich and famous. This also shows that not all celebrities are greedy.

Page created on 11/1/2004 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 11/1/2004 12:00:00 AM

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