My hero's name is James. My dad was born in Brooklyn, New York. If you would ask him what's his favorite game it is dodge ball!. He had just graduated from 12th grade the last grade. When he was in high school he moved to so many, you want to know why? Because he was very bad and when I say bad, I mean bad!.
At this time he is about ''age'' 5 . He got a hamster named Ben. He took him everywhere with him in the little pocket in his shirt. I had to think about that too and speaking about school his favorite subject to study is history class=social studies. His teacher's name was Hector? I think? not sure. His favorite sport is football but dodge ball is a game not a (sport).
He remembers one teacher from high school, it is Hector, that was particularly influential because he was supportive of my father, James, academically, but also in my personal life which helped shape me into a better man and student. His first job was a security guard.
His biggest Influence in his career is his mom. Now he has kids named Nia and Devin. They are 13 and 9. Now that he is a parent now, his goal is: to make sure his kids are happy, healthy and well rounded, successful. He says, "Yes indeed I have siblings. I have one named JEN, that is what I called her from when we were kids. She is younger then me she is 25. I have one more sibling named Keyana she's 26." His happiest memory is when his children were born.
These are my dad's favorite things.Devin Perez His biggest fans are his kids. He always cheers them on and makes sure they're good. If he had a super power, he would have invisibility.
Page created on 12/14/2017 6:00:59 PM
Last edited 1/8/2018 7:34:18 PM