
James Root

by Valerie Vasquez from San Diego, California in United States

     "You should never regret anything in life, the only thing you can do is look into the past and learn from what you’ve done” (Reinardy.) James has mentioned how he was addicted to drugs and panic attacks while on tour with his nine band mates, Sid Wilson, Joey Jordison, Paul Gray, Chris Fehn, Craig Jones, Shawn Crahan, Mick Thomson, and Corey Taylor. Despite his addiction he managed to turn himself around and quit using drugs and staying clean. This inspired James to continue with his music career. James Root has a firm belief that his fans impact is powerful to him. Although he maintains a positive attitude his exit from the band “Stone Sour” strained his relationship with  Corey Taylor lead singer of Stone Sour and Slipknot. This ultimately helped his creation in the guitar parts and lyrics in the band “Slipknot” (Gale Magazine) where Root is commonly known from as the number 4. Root has also expressed his love for working in the studio in Los Angeles where he is now recording a new album for Slipknot. Root mentions that one if his proudest accomplishments in Slipknot is the release of their self titled album “Slipknot” in September 1999. He replaced the old guitarist Josh Brainard in January of 1999 although he only recorded two songs off of that album “Liberation and Me Inside” those were the two songs most popular during their tour (Gale Magazine.) A hero must possess bravery and inspiration. A hero should be brave in their own way to make themselves unique. A hero should also be an inspiration to others, people should look up to a hero or idolize them and take note of their good deeds or good personality. James Root is both brave and an inspiration this makes him a hero. James Root displays countless actions of bravery and inspires many through his words and skills.

130619Root during a Stone Sour concert  James is an inspiration to thousands of maggots who look up to him for both his actions and his words. James Root cares about his fans and encourages them to have a better outlook on life and continue to do what they love and improve every day, and to be creative in their own style. Shawn Crahan explains how people wake up with a better attitude and outlook on life after going to a Slipknot show, “That is probably the most important thing a band or something I'm involved with could ever do” (Day Of The Gusano) James replies. James is a inspiration to many others primarily Slipknot fans, who is not only an inspiration but also helped them through his music during both concerts and their albums when they've finished with studio recording. Root maintains a positive attitude, and is grateful for all that he has accomplished and has. He's both grateful for his fans and his band mates and feels like that's one of the most important things for him. James Root also has a positive attitude despite the things he went through and manages to inspire his fans even when his times can be dark. “You should never regret anything in life, the only thing you can do is look into the past and learn from what you've done”. James wants both his fans and people who he talks to as friends to live life to the fullest and don't get stuck on the past. James also speaks from experience as he himself has said that he made mistakes in his life and looks back at them, he is telling his fans and others to not make some of his own mistakes. James is a huge inspiration to his own fans not only for his skillful guitar playing but also for his songwriting, and helpful tips or actions that he has displayed.

   James Root has displayed bravery in his own way and climbed over great feats that many would see one of the hardest things to do.

Root has to go out and play shows all the time during Slipknot’s tours he has to face thousands of people and not mess up during the show. In the video titled “Day of The Gusano”  he is seen performing in front of thousands of others in a larger city that has been expecting their performance for years. James has to have to courage to go out and play on stage in front of thousands of people who look up to him, messing up could make the whole song fail. Maggots in Mexico attended The Day of The Gusano where Slipknot have been expecting their Knotfest show for many years. James Root has been a part of the band Slipknot for well over 17 years and that could have been the end following an injury he sustained. “And there’s still a little bit of pain in my nerves, ’cause he said now my nerves are swollen and the paths that they go through, through my bones and vertebrae, it’s gonna hurt for a while. But pretty much I’d say I’m ninety percent now.” (Mark).  Following a Slipknot tour James needed Spinal Disk Replacement surgery, this didn’t stop him from thinking about his fans and his bandmates. He displays bravery by persevering through this surgery with a quick three month recovery being 90%. As he could’ve taken more time off after his surgery to go back to Slipknot. He also feels that he’s ready to go back despite pain in his neck. James although he suffered an injury is worried about his performance when he comes back to tour with Slipknot. This is one of his immediate worries and goes to show how much he cares about his performance to the fans. James has shown bravery all throughout his career as a guitarist even when times seem bad for him he gets through it to continue what he loves.

   James Root has showcased both his bravery and how inspirational he his many times throughout interviews, concerts, music, and other videos. Root has battled through drug addiction his band's early days when they were going through hard times (Garcia). Yet he managed to push through it to become the musician he is today. He has inspired so many to push themselves in their musical careers or even just normal daily life. “and record a great album beginning to end, but then maybe not release it as an album. Maybe put singles out there, put songs out there -- either give some away or release some the traditional way.” (Hart)  James wants to give away a single if he makes an single album or some other way to get it out there on the market. James tries to be caring with his fans and others so by giving away the single he would be handing it to others free of charge unlike some artist who want people to buy their singles making it inaccessible to some younger fans. Root also mentions how when he made his signature orange amplifier he wanted to make it accessible to a larger spectrum of people who can't afford more expensive amps. “It was kind of important for me to do an amplifier that was very close to what I played but was also affordable.” (Richard)  Root is concerned about his fans that may not make enough money to buy his amplifier and also the kids who don't have enough money to buy the amplifier. This sets an example to his fans and people who idolize him to keep in mind of other people and their affordability when it comes to certain things. James Root gives his fans inspiration in many ways. All throughout his interviews, guitar playing, and more he always sets a constant reminder to have a positive attitude and to be yourself and to continue to do the things you love. Slipknot fans who idolize James and consider him a hero admire his guitar playing ability and are grateful that he is willing to show them how to play some of his songs. James is a down to earth guy who has a large impact on Slipknot's fans or their proper name the maggots.

Works Cited:


Chadchilders. “Jim Root: 'I've Never Had a Problem With Corey Taylor'.” Loudwire, 24 Oct. 2014,


FRET12. “FRET12 Presents: A Free Lesson from Slipknot's Jim Root - ‘Killpop’ (Guitar World Exclusive).” YouTube, YouTube, 13 June 2016,


Garcia, Pedro. “Jim Root -The Sound and The Story.” YouTube, YouTube, 2 Oct. 2018,

130622Root's AHIG Mask 

Hart, Josh. “Interview: Mick Thomson and Jim Root on the Past, Present and Future of Slipknot.” Guitar World, Guitarworld, 1 Nov. 2011,


“Jim Root.” Slipknot Wiki,

Richard, Melanie. “Jim Root from Slipknot & Stonesour Interview 2014.” YouTube, YouTube, 22 Sept. 2016,

“Slipknot's Jim Root Is At 90 Percent After Spinal Disk Replacement Surgery.” Ghost Cult Magazine, 28 Dec. 2016,


TV, Slipknot Fan. “Slipknot - Day Of The Gusano (DOCUMENTARY ONLY).” YouTube, YouTube, 5 June 2018,


Page created on 1/29/2019 7:13:59 PM

Last edited 2/2/2019 7:46:48 PM

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