My role model is my papa and mama. The reason why I picked them as my role model is because they always believe in me. They never have doubts about me. If I do something wrong then I'm afraid to tell them because they always think I'm so good and never get in trouble. That is one reason why I picked them as my role model.
Another reason why I picked them as my role model is because they love God and Jesus. That is a big thing to me and my family. They have been baptised when they were little and would liked to be baptised again. That would make them a good example for me. Also make me want to do good things for people. That gives me more respect and love for others.
One other reason why I picked them as my role model is because they have alot of honesty and integrety. I've heard, in honoring others we can began to realize our own power and potential. My parents are the best people in the whole wide world and are very good to me. That is the reason why I picked them as my role model.
Page created on 2/15/2001 12:35:20 PM
Last edited 2/15/2001 12:35:20 PM