

by Austin Kinsey from Shreveport, Louisiana in United States

Who is a hero who serves as a good example for all through heroic actions and desired values? My hero is Jesus. Jesus is not the hero of Gotham like Batman or of New York City like Spiderman but is the hero of all humanity. Whether you are Buddhist, Muslim, or Hindu, His blood was shed thousands of years ago so that the whole world will be saved if you decide to follow Him and His word. Now every hero does something heroic. Jesus is my heroic hero because he died for us, his creation, because of His love for us. He did not just only die for us, but he died the worst death possible on the cross until every drop of his blood left his body. This blood that was shed allows us to enter the kingdom of heaven. I would consider this action to be a pretty heroic action; I mean, he saved all of humanity (If you decided to follow Him, that is). The most important moments of his life were documented by his disciples or twelve followers who went on to spread his word after He left. His life is a perfect example of living a perfect life. The only reason we are given the opportunity to enter heaven is because he lived a perfect life. Now, what would you consider perfect? Being perfect as a follower of Christ is much different from being perfect in the eyes of others. Jesus’s life was an example to live perfectly through the Bible, or God’s word. How did Jesus solve injustice? This is an interesting angle to look at Jesus’s life because Jesus is the judge of what is just or unjust. Jesus’s response to injustice is simple. He tells us to respond to injustice with His word (the Bible). Jesus is totally just; there is no injustice in Him at all. Because of His perfection, Jesus can provide true justice. In fact, “the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son” (John 5:22). Jesus is the perfect example of how we should live our lives and how we should base our actions towards injustice.

Page created on 4/25/2024 5:32:02 PM

Last edited 5/8/2024 2:59:15 PM

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