
Jesus Christ

by Grace from Saddle River, New Jersey in United States

125183Jesus“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” Think about it, what does this mean to you? Was it inspiring? Was it meaningful? To me,  it was both. This quote was stated by my hero, Jesus Christ. From seeing this quote you can tell that Jesus is inspiring. That is one of the reasons he is my hero. The other reasons Jesus is my hero is because he is brave and he is my savior. Jesus began his life out in the town of Judah, Bethlehem. No one knew the true date of his birth. He woke up to see his two parents, Mary and Joseph. It was said, “As a young adult Jesus was a carpenter. Likewise, his father Joseph was a carpenter.” Jesus had lived with his parents until the age of 12 when he was separated from them. He and his family were at a festival but when his family headed towards home they realized after a couple of days walking that he was not there. They suspected he was in the jumble of the rest of the family walking but when they went to find him they saw he was not there. They did not return to find him at the festival. From then on Jesus went to a temple and was baptized by John the Baptist when he was 30 years old. He was declared the Son of God and that’s when Jesus began his ministry and became a hero to all.

   One reason Jesus is my hero is that he is a savior. One example of him being a savior is how he heals people and saves people. One story of him saving people is when his disciples were in a boat and there was a storm. His disciples were scared that the boat was going to sink so Jesus used his powers and made the sea calm down which saved his disciples from sinking. Another example of how he was a savior is how he healed a blind man. One day while Jesus was walking with his disciples he stumbled across a blind man. He wondered if the man had sinned himself, or his parents sinned which would have then made God make him blind as a consequence. But Jesus exclaims to his disciples that neither his parents nor he sinned. Jesus then spits into the dirt creating mud and put it on the man's eyes. Go,” Jesus exclaimed, “wash in the Pool of Siloam” after the man had done that he was able to see again. This is another example of how Jesus is a savior. Finally and lastly Jesus healed another person, but this time he healed a woman who had a fever. The woman was Simon’s mother. Simon was one of the disciples. She had a very high fever so Jesus went to save her. He stood next to her and ordered the sickness to go away. Surprisingly the sickness left, and she got up and began serving them. These are some examples of how Jesus is a savior and how he heals people. Other examples of how Jesus is a savior is that he fed 5,000 people with only 5 loaves of bread and two fish because they were starving. Without him, they would've died. My final reason Jesus is a savior is that when he was at a wedding in a place called Cana they ran out of wine so he turned the water into wine. This made all the people happy and he saved the party. Here are some examples of how Jesus is a savior and how he helps and heals people all around the world.

   Another reason Jesus is my hero is that he is brave. One thing that makes him brave is how he died on the cross for us. Jesus was innocent and had done nothing but the people didn’t care, they wanted him dead. A man named Pilate tried asking Jesus questions to see if there was anything he had done, but Pilate said there was no reason to kill Jesus. The people wanted Jesus dead and another person named Barabbas to be released from jail after committing a crime. They shouted, “Crucify him! Crucify him!” Even though Jesus had done nothing wrong they continued to rant, “Kill Jesus.” Pilate wanted to please the crowd so he agreed to kill Jesus. They took a headpiece covered with thorns and made Jesus wear it. He then made the long journey with the heavy cross on his shoulders and was nailed to the cross to die. Jesus could have defended himself and could of saved himself like he did for everyone else but he chose not to. He wanted to die for us and for our sins. This is how Jesus presented braveness by dying on the cross for us people.

   Lastly, Jesus is my hero is because he is caring. He shows this quality in many ways. Some examples of him showing this quality is his care for people. One example of how he cares for people is how when he was about to die on the cross, all he cared about was that his mother was safe and that they took good care of her. He wanted her to be safe. This shows how it is very caring and also very sympathetic because he isn’t thinking about himself, he is putting his mother before him. Jesus doesn't necessarily care for only his relatives but he cares for everyone. For example there were two children who wanted to be blessed. Many children wanted to be blessed by Jesus. But when these children came up to Jesus the disciples scolded the children and were telling Jesus not to bless the children, but Jesus did not listen to the disciples, for he just wanted to bless these innocent children and care for them. Jesus exclaims, “Let the little children come to me and do not try to stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.”  Jesus is very kind and caring to do this for these children. Lastly, Jesus is caring because he as we have seen in the previous paragraph that he heals many people. Not only is he a savior by doing so but he is also caring for these people. He wants them to feel better and live a long happy life. Jesus presents the role of caring in many ways and that is another reason why he is my hero

   As you can see Jesus had many heroic qualities. Such as, inspiring, brave, caring, being a savior and many more. These are the reasons why Jesus is my hero. Not only is he my hero but he is also many other people's hero. Many people follow Jesus because he inspires them and he is a role model to them. One way he’s a role model is because he motivates them to be good people by teaching them good lessons on trusting others and loving others etc. He also had many quotes that inspire people as well. In Christians belief, we believe he lives inside of us. We believe he rises from the dead on Easter Sunday. The story told behind why he rises on Easter Sunday is that when he died on the cross he was buried underneath a tombstone. But three days later a woman came with spices to embalm him. But when she went to do that she saw that he was not there. The tomb was empty. An Angel who was watching said that Jesus had risen from the dead. He was going to first appear to his followers and people who were close to him. Since Jesus is still in everyone and his spirit is still alive through everyone people still look up to him and love to learn about him. I myself love to learn about him and find him very interesting and inspiring to hear his journey. Jesus once again is an amazing person and that is why Jesus is my hero.




Page created on 5/25/2018 2:49:58 PM

Last edited 9/3/2021 5:23:36 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.


Chambers, Mary Lynn. 39.Jesus is Caring. [Online] Available

Guenther, Sharla. Jesus Dies on the Cross. [Online] Available

Reid, Kim Webb. Stories of Jesus. [Online] Available

Brittanica, Encyclopedia. Jesus Christ. [Online] Available

Park, Bryan. 5 Stories of Jesus Healing the Sick. [Online] Available