The following story was written by a high school student.

Johann Sebastian Bach

by Kolby Bradshaw from San Diego, California in United States

It's easy to play any musical instrument: all you have to do is touch the right key at the right time and the instrument will play itself.

133722Portrait of Johann Sebastian BachElias Gottlob Haussmann [Public domain]Johann Sebastian Bach “was born in Eisenach, Germany, on March 21, 1685” (“Johann Sebastian Bach”), and “worked during the late stages of the Baroque” period ("Bach Introduces New Musical Techniques”). Bach started to play the organ when he was only eight years old. At the age of ten both of his parents died, so he had to live with his brother, where he continued to learn how to play the organ. Throughout his life, Johann Sebastian Bach devised and implemented “a number of musical techniques that would impress the next generation of composers” (“Bach Introduces New Musical Techniques”). In 1717, Prince Leopold “appointed Johann Sebastian Bach as his new Kapellmeister” (“Performers, Performances, and Audiences”). A Kapellmeister was a conductor of a choir, a job of high status. Johann Sebastian Bach was a hero because he was persistent and determined.

133723J. S. Bach seated at the organBritish Museum [Public domain]Because of his persistence, J. S. Bach was able to get through hard situations and become a remarkable musician. During his first marriage, Bach had seven children, three of whom died in childhood. Bach would sometimes travel the continent with other musicians and play music. When he returned from one of these trips in 1720, “Bach received a serious shock; his wife, Maria Barbara, whom he had left in perfect health three months earlier, had died and been buried in his absence, leaving four motherless children” (Sartorius, para 44). Bach decided to continue on and look for a new place to live instead of giving into grief. While working in Cöthen, Bach met a woman named Anna Magdalena. They married and eventually had thirteen children. This shows the characteristic of persistence because instead of wallowing in grief for his dead wife, Bach decided to move on in order to support his children. In addition to enduring the death of his first wife, eleven of Bach’s twenty children died by age twenty-four. Because of all the death in his family, Bach started to record a genealogy. “It is easy to imagine personal reasons why a composer would compile such a genealogy at or near his own half century, especially one who had lost so many close relations as Sebastian had from early childhood on” (Williams, pg 2). It was important that Bach made and kept a genealogy of his family because he was able to make connections that helped him in his musical career: when he was researching his family history, Bach met Johann Hübner, a publisher. Hübner’s publications most likely encouraged Bach to later publish a compilation of music. Johann Sebastian Bach got through tough circumstances and was able to become a renowned composer because of his persistence.

Bach was able to go higher up in the social class and become a great musician because of his determination. When J.S. Bach’s parents died, he went to live with his older brother Johann Christoph. “Johann Sebastian … [was] taken into the home of [his] eldest brother, Johann Christoph … [who] was now well established as organist of the St. Michaeliskirche, Ohrdruf” (Sartorius, para 5). When he was young, Bach quickly learned how to play the organ. He was determined to improve at the organ, so he studied with his brother. As Bach got better and better at the organ, he eventually left his brother and played in churches around Europe. Although Bach learned from his brother to become a better musician, he also contested against other organists in Europe.  “Bach was invited to compete in a contest with … Louis Marchand … on the day appointed for the contest, Marchand decided to withdraw … so Bach gave an impressive solo performance before the assembled audience and referees, establishing himself as the finest organist of the day” (Sartorius, para 36). Throughout his life, Bach continued to move from one job to another, from playing the organ to performing in a choir. As Bach became more renowned, he moved to different places so he could work at the best churches. This shows that Johann Bach had the trait of determination, because he went from just being part of a musical family to becoming one of the best organists of his time.

Because of his persistence and determination, J. S. Bach was a hero. He lost many family members throughout his life, but he endured these hardships and came out a better person in the end. Bach was determined and worked hard, so he was able to become an amazing musician. Johann Sebastian Bach inspires me because he was able to quickly learn how to play the organ and sing, but then he kept going, and wrote music and performed in churches around Europe. All in all, Johann Sebastian Bach was a hero because he possessed the characteristics of persistence and determination and was able to become one of the greatest musicians of his time.


Page created on 5/14/2019 1:35:56 AM

Last edited 1/29/2025 11:52:53 PM

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Related Links

Johann Sebastian Bach - Painting of Johann Sebastian Bach(age 61).
JS Bach - Retrato del músico Johann Sebastian Bach
Bach 1725 Organ - Portrait of J. S. Bach seated at the organ
BAROQUE COMPOSERS AND MUSICIANS - A biography of Johann Sebastian Bach's life.