
Earvin "Magic" Johnson

by Remi from Toronto, Canada


Magic Johnson was one of the greatest basketball players at the time, although I wasn’t around to watch the champion dominate on the court and revolutionize how the game was played. He was born on August 14, 1959 in Lansing Michigan. He grew up in Michigan as he attended Everett, Michigan high school and Michigan State College.


Magic Johnson has changed the way Basketball is played. He has not only had success on the court, he has achieved success in areas as an entrepreneur and philanthropist. He managed to do so even with his ongoing struggle with HIV. He founded and started The Magic Johnson Foundation. On a more personal level, he has shown me that once you commit to something there is nothing that should hold you back, to broaden your horizons and try different things. However, it's one thing to try something new, it’s another thing to give it your all and excel. This is what Earvin did, and that’s only on a personal basis.

In 1995 Johnson got involved in another business venture, opening a chain of movie theaters in minority neighborhoods in the Los Angeles area, an enterprise he later took to other cities. He also continued to entertain fans around the world when he took his barnstorming basketball team (made up of former college and NBA players) to Asia and Australia.

Strength and Soul (
Strength and Soul (

Magic Johnson has gone above and beyond. He has taken his success and shared it with millions. He was especially successful in doing so due to the Magic Johnson foundation for urban youth. All his work hasn’t directly made an impact on my life, but down the grapevine it has opened my eyes and shown me a way of being. MJF also donates needed funds to organizations that provide HIV/AIDS prevention and health care education to the minority community.

I see this as reaching out and giving back to a community.

Page created on 12/14/2005 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 12/14/2005 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

The Magic Johnson Foundation - "We are the community we serve."