
Jonas Salk

by Lexie Llamas from San Diego, California in United States

Cover your mouth when you cough. Sneeze into your elbow. Wash your hands thoroughly. This is how society can protect themselves from viral infections, diseases, and epidemics… or so they thought. Jonas Salk was widely known as the man who created an effective vaccine to cure the world’s greatest dismay of the 1950’s; poliomyelitis. In the rush to find a treatment, Salk used his knowledge he learned from previous mentors, and applied his test vaccine on monkeys and human subjects. Every subject that was injected with IPV became immunized against polio. “After his test proved successful, the results were released to the public on April 12, 1955[...]” (Jonas Salk", Newsmakers, Gale). He also founded the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California, where many scientists from around the world conduct research on today’s pathological obstacles. Salk pushed through the rough criticism, uncertainty, and jealousy others threw his way, by pursuing his ideas with confidence. With his determination and living his life with a purpose, Salk became the well-known hero today who cured the grim epidemic of polio.

121097Jonas Salk analyzing test tubes Salk’s strong determination and dedication to relieve the stress of the polio epidemic led him to formulate a vaccine beneficial to many. Every great idea has its rivalries and jealousy. Salk was approached with lot of tough criticism: “Salk's idea of using a dead virus to stimulate the body into recognizing the virus and then providing immunity to it was a new one. Many people scoffed at the idea because it went against all of the current theories of viral research. The general scientific consensus at the time was that the body could only provide immunity to a virus that was still living. Salk brought up the idea of making a dead virus vaccine at a conference in New York, where he was laughed at by Albert Sabin, who was to be his lifelong rival” (“Jonas Salk", Newsmakers, Gale). Great discovery comes with questionable hesitations. Salk used their reluctance as a source of motivation to compose the first polio vaccine, which lead to the extinction of the polio virus forever. He continued to establish the vaccine, despite the fact that others were doubtful of his work. If he let the skeptic people destroy his confidence, he wouldn’t have alleviated the frail victims of polio. Salk was also determined to push through the criticism, and released the vaccine despite the uncertainty: “Despite the doomsayers, on 12 April 1955, the vaccine was officially pronounced effective, potent, and safe in almost 90 percent of cases. The meeting at which the announcement was made was attended by five hundred of the world's top scientists and doctors, 150 journalists, and sixteen television and movie crews” ("Jonas Salk", American Decades). Though people had their doubts about Salk’s vaccine, he still established it, even with difficult judgments that were made against him. He pushed through the rough criticism, and made sure to keep going. If Jonas fell into the arms of the jealous rivals, polio would still be alive today, devouring every ounce of strength left in his patients. Through the resilient critiques and the strive to be in the ultimate spotlight, Salk stayed humble, and did what he needed to do, no questions asked.

121098Salk Institute in La Jolla, California lived with an important purpose in mind. He may not have realized it in his early childhood, but he definitely figured it out as he matured over the years. Subsequently, Salk opened the Salk Institute, which is dedicated to uncovering the key to understanding diseases, “The institute boasts several Nobel Prize winners and is considered one of the finest in the world for molecular biology, genetics, and neuroscience. Salk was the director there until 1975, and until his death worked in his laboratory as an immunologist. He also wrote a number of books about the future of humankind, including Man Unfolding and The Survival of the Wisest, World Population and Human Values: A New Reality” (“Jonas Salk", Newsmakers, Gale). After his work with the successful polio vaccine, Salk went on to unveil the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California. They’re devoted to doing top-notch research for a plethora of different diseases. With the Salk Institute working around the clock, the relay to curing diseases decreases with each new discovery. Proceeding the opening of Salk Institute in 1960, many scientists from all over the world flocked over to sunny California to pursue their passions in the scientific fields of research. “There he and other scientists focused their efforts on such diseases as multiple sclerosis and cancer. Salk served as the center's director until 1975, and he then became its founding director. Continuing to research, Salk studied AIDS and HIV later in his career” (“Jonas Salk Biography”). Though Salk was praised as a hero, he dedicated his last few years of life continuing to research other diseases, in hope to cure the abundant of devastating effects on millions of sick patients. He never retired, and continued to work until he passed away. Despite being famous for his polio vaccine, Salk persistently did research on new subjects.While the Salk Institute is currently discovering new answers, it would’ve never become a reality without the ingenious visions of Salk and his ideas.

Salk used his ingenuity, strong determination, and lived with a purpose to accomplish his major goals during his lifetime. Jonas Salk defied the odds, creating a vaccine that nourished and maintained the life of polio victims, and continued his legacy through his flourishing science institute. Many new ideas, projects, and cures have emerged from learning and working in the Institute. Since Salk’s time of becoming the man who cured an epidemic, scientists from every corner of the Earth came to La Jolla, California to conduct research on many different diseases. With dedication, scientists can collaborate together and combine knowledge to solve the riddles of life and find new answers. His dedication can influence others to follow their visions, while continuing to be humble, compassionate, and having confidence to pursue your dreams. “There is hope in dreams, imagination, and in the courage of those who wish to make those dreams a reality” (“Jonas Salk Quotes”, Brainy Quote).

Page created on 2/13/2018 8:06:44 PM

Last edited 2/18/2018 9:13:15 PM

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Related Links

Salk Institute - This website is the official website of the Salk Institute located in La Jolla, California. It includes information on Jonas Salk, and different research departments for science.
PBS - PBS gives a little insight into the life of Jonas Salk himself.
Jonas Salk Quotes - Many of Salk's inspirational quotes can be found here. They're perfect for a boost of motivation, and to be inspired.