
Joseph Smith

by Nikolaus Tilford from San Diego, California in United States

126758Joseph Smith teaching his people the Smith was born, December 23, 1805 in Sharon, Vermont. He was the son of Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith. After he was born his family moved to New York. They continued to farm and their farm was just on the outskirts of a town called Palmyra. At age fourteen, Joseph discovered that he had important work to do, Joseph Smith had a vision, he saw God the father and His son Jesus Christ. He became the restorer of God's church called, “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints”, and later also became the prophet of this church.  “Joseph's personal life became inseparable from his role as the prophet of God. By all accounts the role came to him naturally. Whether he was hated or loved, one fact is apparent from the historical record: “Joseph Smith was a man of remarkable magnetism and persuasive power. He recognized talent and surrounded himself with trusted apostles and counselors, but he never doubted his authority as prophet.” (Student Resources In Context) Emma Hale Smith was Joseph Smith’s wife. God played a very important role in his life. There were many who opposed him starting the church and he was beaten, abused, and eventually murdered for the cause of the church.  A hero is someone that helps and impacts other people and not just themselves. Joseph Smith was a hero because he was helpful by healing the wounded, he was a leader by leading hundreds of Mormons through hardships, and an inspiration to all those who believed in him.

Ever since Joseph Smith was a boy, all he ever did was help and serve others. Joseph Smith has helped anyone who needed help.“Joseph Smith gained further credibility when he healed a woman whose arm was paralyzed. In 1833, he published a series of revelations that he later expanded into the Doctrine and Covenants. Smith founded the United Order of Enoch, whose communistic program required that everything except the bare essentials for life be given to the community treasury. He hoped this would alleviate the burden of poverty, which he himself knew firsthand.” (Student Resources In Context) Joseph Smith helped so many people with their personal problems and their needs. He healed the sick, he brought the dead to life. Joseph Smith never got tired of helping people with their problems. When someone was going to pay him for helping them he would not take a single dime. The only reward to Joseph Smith was seeing a smile on their face. Joseph Smith helped his followers by taking all of the abuse from angry mobs, instead of letting his followers endure the pain.“With hostilities toward Smith mounting, on March 24, 1832, he was dragged from his bed and beaten, tarred and feathered. Attending church the next day, his assailants were astounded when he bravely appeared, bruised and cut, to calmly preach his scheduled sermon.” (Student Resources In Context) Joseph Smith shows compassion and love to his enemies, for example when a group of people comes into his home and drags him from his wife and children, he shows no hate, he forgives them for their actions. Joseph Smith shows compassion and love to his followers, for example, when Joseph Smith was attacked by an angry mob, Joseph took the beating so that his followers would not endure the same torture and abuse. Joseph Smith helped by restoring the true church of God and fulfilling God’s mission on the earth.

126761Joseph Smith holding the Book of Mormon Smith was the type of leader that people would look up to, God looked to Joseph to restore the church. Joseph Smith led his people and led the church without doubt, hesitation, or fear. “In Missouri, the mob lined up about 3500 men, preparing to attack and destroy every Mormon there. There were about 300 Mormons and 3 non Mormons in the group about to be attacked.  Aware of those three, a man came with a flag of truce and said, We’re going to wipe you out, but we understand that a few of you aren’t Mormon: they can come with us. Those non-Mormons decided they would stay. Then said the Prophet to the man with the white flag, go back and tell your general to withdraw his troops or I will send them to Hell. The man went back with his flag and the mob withdrew.” ( Joseph Smith The Prophet, Truman G. Madsen) Reflect on the odds of 3500 vs. 300, Joseph Smith demonstrated courage and no doubt in the cause of the church. Joseph Smith never gave up on his followers, and neither did his followers give up on him as a prophet of God. Throughout Joseph Smith’s time as a prophet, there were some who questioned who would be his successor.  “ In the midst of a leadership struggle in the church… others claimed to have special prerogatives of leadership, Joseph said, I will give a key that will never rust. If you will stay with the majority of the twelve apostles… you will never be led astray.” ( Joseph Smith The Prophet, Truman G. Madsen) From the time he made that statement until today, not one offshoot group of the church can pass that test. Joseph Smith is a remarkable leader because of his wisdom of leadership. Joseph Smith has led so many people through hardships, while restoring the true church on the earth, he is the very definition of a courageous and righteous leader.

126762Joseph praying to God Smith was a remarkable hero because he was always willing to help the wounded, he was a strong and brave leader by leading hundreds of Mormons through hardships, and an inspiration to all those who believed in him. Joseph Smith is a hero because all he ever wanted to do is help, lead, and inspire his followers. Joseph Smith has inspired me by helping people and being an inspiration to people. Joseph Smith was a Hero because, he helped anyone that needed help, whatever the problem was he would always be willing to help. Not only was Joseph Smith helpful he was a leader to all his followers, he was tarred and feathered by angry protesters to make it so his followers, would not have to endure the same torture and abuse. Joseph Smith started off as a boy who did not have an education, but to an inspiration to all those who believed in him, by reforming the true church on the earth, leading his followers through hardships and trials, and helping anyone who was in need of help, whatever the circumstance was he was always interested in helping in any way we could. Joseph dedicated his life to helping people. Leading his followers, and being an inspiration to everyone.

Works Cited:

Joseph Smith." DISCovering Biography, Gale, 2003. Student Resources In Context,

Joseph Smith The Prophet, Truman G. Madsen

Carol. “Joseph Smith.” The MY HERO Project, 9 Jan. 2017, 

Mason. “Joseph Smith Jr.” The MY HERO Project, 19 May 2008,

"Joseph Smith." American Eras, vol. 6, Gale, 1999. Student Resources In Context, Accessed 15 May 2018

Page created on 5/22/2018 8:42:45 PM

Last edited 6/1/2018 9:20:50 PM

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