J.P. Morgan a.k.a The Monopoly Maninfogram.comCha ching Cha ching Cha ching the sound of money = success. JP Morgan, otherwise known as one of the men who built America or the financial hero, revolutionized financing and invested in the railroad blueprint that we still use today. He did all of this primarily for himself, not knowing that at the same time he would impact the future of financing. “JP Morgan is an extraordinarily successful investment banker and a conspicuous philanthropist, one of the most prominent art collectors of his day, Morgan symbolized an era of aggressive capitalism”(“JP Morgan” DISCovoring Biography, Gale) He was born April 17 1837 and died on March 31 1913. In the New York with Duncan, Sherman and Co. his father held a spot for him at his banking house.
J.P. Morgancommons.wikimedia.orgJ.P. Morgan revolutionized today’s banking by utilizing his influence, knowledge of the financial market, and family connection to the industry. Morgan is known as the financing hero because of the tremendous success he showed after joining his father’s company early on, only to then take his father’s company to new alliances and opportunities, which brought him wealth that he used to acquire art and to create other companies. In 1860, Morgan set up his own company. He had plenty of business from his father in London and also took advantage of many opportunities to buy and sell in the booming commercial city of New York("J. P. Morgan." DISCovering Biography). In order to be successful, Morgan knew he had to leverage his family connections along with his learned business knowledge to create influence of his own. One can argue that his shrewd business personality helped him always focus on things that would make him successful. Morgan knew that neither his knowledge of the business, nor his name influence alone would bring him the success that he strived for, but together they could. The fact that he knew to get involved in the booming commercial market in New York speaks volumes of his desire to succeed. If it wasn't for his father holding a spot at his banking house while preparing Morgan for a position there, Morgan wouldn't of had the chance to test his knowledge and learn how to create influence. “John entered his father's banking house, The George Peabody Co., in London. A year later his father secured a position for him in New York with Duncan, Sherman and Co. (“John Pierpont Morgan”)”. His father was a successful banker. Besides wanting the best for his son, Morgan’s father knew that his son’s gained knowledge, personality, and influence would be an asset to his company. Morgan's father taught him the type of knowledge that only a successful banker like him would have. In essence he learned from the best. It would be hard to argue that he only did this as a father looking for the best for his son, instead of through the eyes of a business person looking to make a company more successful. Morgan had started off well just like other successful millionaires but the difference is that he was prepared, had incredible influence and connections behind him, and a shrewd business personality that would bring him incredible success.
Quote from J.P. Morganazquotes.comCompanies that are successful have successful leaders that have vision, good business sense, and are able to build influence to their advantage. Successful people create their success through combinations of many traits. Morgan was bold, ruthless, yet knowledgeable. He was known for having a good sense for business. J. P. Morgan's power grew because of the unusual combination of boldness and good sense, ruthlessness and responsibility, that made up his complex personality("J. P. Morgan." DISCovering Biography)”. If Morgan didn't have these traits that were instilled by his father and learned in business, he wouldn't be able to create success and influence around what he did. By learning from his father Morgan learned a sense of pride, vision, and mostly leadership. Morgan made bold moves that involved a lot of money but they seem to be calculated moves in a time when the financial sector was just starting to take off. Morgan underwrote a successful public offering of stock in the world's first $1 billion corporation.(“Morgan, J. Pierpont 1837-1913.”)”. In anticipation of this deal Morgan acquired different companies that he envisioned would make him more profit when the market came back up. Because Morgan’s vision of success wasn't limited Morgan always shot for bigger and bigger deals. Morgan’s desire to succeed didn't seem to have a ceiling and he had all the tools to bring success to himself.
His success still livescnn.comCha ching Cha ching Cha ching the sound of money that made JP. Morgan a successful man through stocks his father's old companies and his intelligence. Morgan was very successful and used his family name, his influence, and his traits to build an empire. He inspires me through his intelligence and successfulness being the Monopoly Man and being the #1 of money and competitions. Morgan’s hero qualities can be summarized by the drive and endless vision he had for the businesses he ran. Hero’s inspire and impact others, sometimes their actions not necessarily know by them to be doing that. Morgan probably will never know the incredible influence of his work but all of us do.
"John Pierpont Morgan." American Eras, vol. 8, Gale, 1997. Student Resources in Context,
https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/K2438000252/SUIC?u=powa9245&xid=9f661ed4. Accessed 31 Jan. 2018.
"John Pierpont Morgan." Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History, edited by Thomas Carson and
Mary Bonk, Gale, 1999. Student Resources in Context, https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/K1667000130/SUIC?u=powa9245&xid=3895073f. Accessed 31 Jan. 2018.
"J. P. Morgan." DISCovering Biography, Gale, 2003. Student Resources in Context,
https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/EJ2102101297/SUIC?u=powa9245&xid=06f791ec. Accessed 5 Feb. 2018
"J. P. Morgan." DISCovering Biography, Gale, 2003. Student Resources in Context,
https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/EJ2102101297/SUIC?u=powa9245&xid=06f791ec. Accessed 30 Jan. 2018.
"Morgan, J. Pierpont 1837-1913." American Decades, edited by Judith S. Baughman, et al., vol. 1: 1900-1909, Gale, 2001. Student Resources in Context, https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/CX3468300054/SUIC?u=powa9245&xid=acad396a. Accessed 31 Jan. 2018.
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Last edited 10/6/2018 3:36:34 PM