Julia Roberts was born in 1967 in Atlanta, GA. She has been in many movies such as Pretty Women, Red Blood, Satisfaction, Mystic PIzza, Steel Magnolias, Leaving Las Vegas, Neighbors, Sleeping With the Enemy, Dying Young, Hook, Something to Talk About, Everyone Says I Love You, Conspiracy Theory, My Best Friends Wedding, Oceans Eleven, and Gambler.
Julia Roberts has been announced as one of the brightest stars in Hollywood. She was OSCAR nominated twice before her 24th birthday. When she was younger she had a dream of being a veterinary. She kept that dream until finsihing high school, and at age 17 she went to her sister, Lisa, in New York, determined to be an actress. She signed a contract in 1986.
in 1993, she got married to Lyle Lovett, and the marriage lasted 21 months. After the divorce occured they still remained as good friends. Even though Julia is not the highest paId actresses in Hollywood, she still gets paid eight-digit salaries. For "My Best Friends Wedding" she recieved a Golden Globe nomination in 1997.
Julia Roberts was very determined to become an actress, and she did it. She is a very determined, loving, and talented person, who never gives up and does not care what other people think of her, because that does not stop her from getting her goals accomplished.
She is a hero to me because she knows what she wants, she is a loving, caring person, and makes sense. She sends out messages that make total sense and that I can relate to. I admire her for that. She has made a difference in my life.
Page created on 7/26/2003 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 7/26/2003 12:00:00 AM