The MY HERO Project | Library

Just the Two of Us

By Will Smith

Publisher: Scholastic Paperbacks
ISBN: 978-0439669436
MY HERO recommends this book to children readers.

PreS-Gr 2-With a few changes, Smith has transformed the lyrics of his 1997 song into a wonderful book for youngsters. An African-American man raps with his son: "Just the two of us,/building castles in the sky./Just the two of us,/you and I." The refrain appears as a chorus in this rap, which tenderly reveals a father's feelings at his son's birth and as the child grows to be a young man. The man's hopes for his son's future are underpinned by his commitment to love, discipline, and advise as best he can. The text does not always scan well or rhyme precisely, but the words are expressive; here they convey the sure sense of a parent's love and care. The text, set in fonts of various sizes and types and creating emphasis and variety, is strikingly spaced on each double-page spread. It is coupled with moving pencil-and-oil illustrations of a father lifting his son toward the sky, playing basketball with him, etc. Many of the stunning images are set against a blue sky and conjure up a marvelous atmosphere of spaciousness and freedom. While implying all the opportunities open to the child, they also show the intimate connection among these family members. "Always tell the truth, say your prayers/Hold doors, pull out chairs, easy on the swears/You're living proof that dreams come true/I love you and I'm here for you." A lovely book for fathers and sons to share. Judith Constantinides, formerly at East Baton Rouge Parish Main Library, LA Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

MY HERO Review:
Ages 4-6. Accomplished musician and actor Smith revisits his popular 1998 recording of the song "Just the Two of Us" in this colorful tribute to the unconditional love of a parent for his child. Cynthia Turnquest © American Library Association.
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