
Justin James Watt

by Dylan Gilmour from San Diego, California in United States

129667Watt thanks his fans for a successful“The Houston Texans' Watt raised more than $37 million in Hurricane Harvey relief aid and served as a beacon for what an athlete can do with their platform beyond sports” ("J.J. Watt and Jose Altuve Named SI's Sportsperson of the Year Award").

Watt did a lot of things to help out his Houston community and this was one of them. J.J Watt is born in Waukesha, Wisconsin. He is the starting defensive end for the Houston Texans in the NFL. He has won many awards like, defensive player of the year in 2012. In 2017, Hurricane Harvey hit the city of Houston, he raised and donated millions to help out his community.Watt is a hero because he doesn't stop helping his Houston community and doesn't stop raising millions for victims of the tragedy. Giving back and hardworking are two traits that J.J Watt posses to make him a hero.

129707Watt meeting his fans.www.fanbuzz.comWatt is a hero for the things that he does for his community of Houston. He is hardworking and giving towards the victims affected. This quote was when Watt donated million dollars for kids that don't have money to play athletics:  “His Justin J. Watt Foundation has donated more than $1 million to help middle school children take part in athletics” ("J. J. Watt." ). This shows that he is giving back because, Watt is giving money to help people in need, his foundation donated $1 million to help children for athletics. He gave something of his to help others.  This is when Watt’s foundation was raising money for victims of Hurricane Harvey: “The Houston Texans' Watt raised more than $37 million in Hurricane Harvey relief aid and served as a beacon for what an athlete can do with their platform beyond sports” ("J.J. Watt and Jose Altuve Named SI's Sportsperson of the Year Award."). He raised more than $37 million to help victims in need when Hurricane Harvey hit Houston. He gave relief aid to those in need.  A student- athlete got a major injury playing football, Watt then donated $10,000 to this kid: “On Wednesday, Watt donated $10,000 to Grant Milton's GoFundMe page. Milton, a Woodlands High School football player, collapsed during his team's playoff game Saturday at McClane Stadium, outside of Houston. He was rushed to the hospital for the emergency surgery” ("J.J. Watt donates $10K to Texas High School football player."). Watt is very giving. He heard about this kid who was severely hurt during his football game so he gave $10,000 to his GoFundMe page. He didn't have to donate but he was caring and helped him out. To sum it all together, J.J Watt is a very giving person toward is community of Houston.

129725He's caring for the families that were affected by the Watt works extremely hard to get to the place where he is now and, if he didn't work hard he wouldn't  have been in the NFL and he wouldn't be able to help so many people. This was one of his end of the season awards:“National Football League Defensive Player of the Year, 2012, 2014” ("J. J. Watt."). This is one of the awards Watt earned at defensive end in 2014. This shows hard work because you have to be the best to earn the defensive award. You have to work hard to perform good in the games. Watt got a season ending injury, but that didn't stop him from working hard to recover and to help his community: “Houston Texans defensive end J.J. Watt might be out for the season, but that hasn't stopped him from making an impact on the community” ("J.J. Watt donates $10K to Texas High School football player." ). Watt is a very hardworking person. He got injured in during the season but that didn't make him stop helping out the Houston community. He still donated and gave back to the community. In conclusion, Watt is a very hardworking human and that is part of the reason why he is so successful. His hard work inspires others to be more like him.

Watt is a deserving hero because he’s hard working and has a giving heart towards people that are in need. Things  that Watt has done are so significant because the money that he donated helped thousands when Hurricane Harvey devastated Houston. He gave back to his community for them supporting with his hard work on the field. “He often visits children's hospitals and even once took the time to make a surprise visit to a 12-year-old boy who was being bullied in school”("J. J. Watt."). This is inspiring because he is being a good role model. He is doing something good that would make someone's day. This makes people think of Watt as a quality person and they would want to be more like him.Watt inspires me because I play football and he is really talented and is one of my favorite players. Also the things that he has done to help people make me want to do the same and get to the position he is in now. Even if its not millions of dollars, people are inspired and donate. J.J Watt uses his fame in a good way to help people in need and to inspire other to be more like him.

"J. J. Watt." Gale Biography in Context, Gale, 2015. Biography In Context, Accessed 7 Dec. 2018.

"J.J. Watt and Jose Altuve Named SI's Sportsperson of the Year Award." Entertainment

Close-up, 14 Dec. 2017. Biography In Context, Accessed 7 Dec. 2018.

"J.J. Watt donates $10K to Texas High School football player." UPI News Current, 1 Dec. 2016.

Biography In Context, Accessed 10 Dec. 2018

"TEXANS' WATT BLOWS PAST CHARITY GOAL." Tampa Bay Times [St. Petersburg, FL],

29 Aug. 2017, p. 1. Biography In Context, Accessed 7 Dec. 2018.


Page created on 1/9/2019 8:31:22 PM

Last edited 1/12/2019 7:03:48 PM

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