
Kyle Carpenter

by Devan Edge from San Diego, California in United States


“The thick steel body of the grenade flexed and swelled before exploding and tearing flesh and bone from Lance Corporal Kyle Carpenter’s face.” (Brennan 1) Corporal Kyle Carpenter used his courage and determination to help others. He did so by jumping on top of a frag and covering it in order to absorb the blast and save another soldier around him. By jumping on the grenade, Carpenter knew he was going to lose his life but he would save someone else's through his heroism. Carpenter remained living and missing flesh and an eye. By jumping on the grenade Carpenter knew he was going to lose his life but he would save someone else's through his heroism. Carpenter remained living and missing flesh and an eye.   Carpenter was deployed to Afghanistan in 2010 with not much communication with family. Kyle Carpenter was a marine and a medal of honor recipient. Carpenter had received this great award for the heroic act he had done or achieved.  Carpenter had risked his life by covering a frag, with his body, in order to save a fellow marine. Coming into Afghanistan, Carpenter came into the fight with one plan, To help. Carpenter uses his determination to help and his courage to save lives and help others. By using his courage and his pure heart, Carpenter becomes a hero to many.

120299Corporal carpenter in action after incident 

Carpenter's actions bring out the courage in him exposing all of it and showing a real hero. Carpenter showed his true colors by jumping on the frag and acting a hero.

This piece of evidence shows how Carpenter's courage kicked in and stepped up. “ When it came time to put his selflessness and courage to the test, he didn’t think twice”(Watson 1). No matter the odds, of life or death, Carpenter fights for others and risks his life for others. Corporal Carpenter shows us true heroism. This act of kindness had granted him the Medal of Honor which is the greatest prize for heroism. This next piece shows Carpenter's courage and how he strives to help. “When Marine William Kyle Carpenter was deployed to Afghanistan in 2010, he knew that he might one day be called upon to make a sacrifice”(Watson 1). Going into Afghanistan, Carpenter had knew that he would have to sacrifice himself he was already doing so by going to fight but the great act of jumping on the grenade had proven his courageousness. Carpenter knew he wanted to help and when he got deployed that was his only task and he did so by saving a soldier. When Carpenter prepared himself to go into the military his only goal was to help and either by saving a life or by fighting for our country. No matter the odds Carpenter uses his courage to help others and to go into the military getting ready to make a great sacrifice.

120284Medal of Honor Recipient Kyle carpenter 

Carpenters heroism isn't just shaped by his courageousness it is also shaped by his will to help and how he will sacrifice anything. This quote shows Carpenters honor of his heroic act. Carpenter won the medal of honor for his willingness to help and the sacrifices he makes. “Cpl. Kyle Carpenter will become the eighth living Medal of Honor recipient for service in Afghanistan and Iraq, the White House announced Monday” (Watson 2).Cpl.Carpenter had received this for doing one of the most heroic acts in history. By jumping on a grenade instead of getting death getting fame and not expecting it. Going to afghanistan to fight is heroic enough but what cpl carpenter did had changed the game on being heroic. This man had jumped on a grenade and sacrificed his life for others. This next quote shows what Carpenter had sacrificed and done for another soldier because of his will to help. “Carpenter threw himself in front of another corporal in Marjah, Afghanistan” (Ellis 1). Carpenter knew what his duty was and it was to help the others and fight for our country. But with such a great task comes a great conflict and that was the moment when he decided to cover the frag with his corpse.Carpenter had sacrificed himself for the other soldier causing wounds and nearly death.Challenges, big or small Carpenter is always willing to help and wanting to help.

Carpenter's heroism is shaped by his courageousness and his willingness to help.

Carpenter had won the medal of honor because of the very heroic act he had showed. Carpenter had jumped on a grenade to save another Corporal. By performing this act Carpenter had shown his heroism to everyone and set a firm example for others. Carpenter is an inspiration to many because of this selfless act. By jumping on the grenade he put himself in the way and no one else's risking his life. Carpenter had shown the world what a hero is and  how big of an impact it can make on society. Although Carpenter is the one that is looking different he still smiles and motivates people to help also. No matter the conflict Carpenter has a smile on his face and is always willing to help. The sacrifice Carpenter made might not have changed the world but the world changed for him and the soldier he saved. Without Carpenter, the other soldier would have been hit with the frag and by jumping on it Carpenter saved himself and the other soldier. We should all use Carpenter as an example of what a hero is. Carpenter was an ordinary man going into the military with one goal, that goal was to help. No matter the size of the challenge, Carpenter fought through the pain and sacrificed himself for another.

120313Kyle Carpenters

Works cited


Brennan, Thomas James. “Inside the Painstaking Recovery Process of a Medal of Honor Marine.” The Hive, Vanity Fair, 25 May 2017,

The State By Sarah Ellis. “Medal of Honor Recipient Kyle Carpenter Charged with Hit-and-Run.”,

Watson, Maggie. “He Fell On A Grenade To Save His Fellow Soldiers, But What Happened Next Is Even More Stunning.” Boredom Therapy, 14 Dec. 2015,

Feeney, Nolan. “Marine Who Blocked Soldier From Grenade Blast to Receive Medal of Honor.”, 22 May 2014, p. 1. MAS Ultra - School Edition, EBSCOhost, Accessed 31 Jan. 2018.

Mulrine, Anna. "For Valor Atop a Mud Hut in Afghanistan, Marine Receives Medal of Honor." Christian Science Monitor, 19 June 2014. EBSCOhost,


 Hari, Sreenivasan, et al. "PBS Newshour for June 19, 2014." Newshour (PBS), n.d. EBSCOhost,


Page created on 2/14/2018 5:45:51 PM

Last edited 8/25/2018 3:53:46 PM

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Related Links

Kyle Carpenters story - This page shows the story of Kyle Carpenter and what he had done for our country.
INSIDE THE PAINSTAKING RECOVERY PROCESS OF A MEDAL OF HONOR MARINE - Six years ago this month Lance Corporal Kyle Carpenter suffered grievous wounds after shielding another Marine from a grenade blast in Afghanistan. Somehow, he survived. This is the story of his remarkable recovery.