
Leonardo Da Vinci

by Davina from Prishtina

Leonardo Da Vinci is a famous artist who painted the Mona Lisa, Last Supper and many more paintings! He invented (drew) a flying machine before the wright brothers did and created other wonderful inventions! He inspired many artists to do beautiful art. His works like the Mona Lisa and Last Supper are considered masterpieces that continue to inspire artists today, ideas and designs ahead of his time. He was an artist, inventor, engineer, and scientist. His ideas were incredibly beautiful, they were creative too. He also conducted dozens of experiments and created future inventions!  How did Leonardo Da Vinci change the world? He helped us invent the tank, helicopter, parachute, and many other great inventions.  

Leonardo da Vinci was born in Vinci (Italy) on April 15, 1452. The Renaissance was the time that Leonardo Da Vinci was born. His father's name was Ser Piero and his mother's Caterina. He was educated by Andrea del Verrocchio and his parents left him alone and both started a new family! Leonardo da Vinci never married even though he could get a good relationship with many ladies. In 1490 Leonardo da Vinci painted the Vitruvian man and in 1495-1498 Leonardo da Vinci painted the Last Supper, terribly but the monks did not think the painting was important, so they decided to cut a doorway through the bottom of the Last Supper. Leonardo Da Vinci was invited to the kingdom of France, where he painted the famous Mona Lisa, that was in 1503-1519.Sadly he died May2, 1519 in the kingdom of France (Amboise, Clos Luke). The reason for that was a stroke at the age of 67.  

The most important event or accomplishment in Leonardo Da Vincis life was painting the Mona Lisa. He used paint and wood and many more materials. That was between 1503-1519 in France (he could not finish the painting because he died of a heart stroke. The subject of the painting was LISA DEL GIOCONDO (Lisa del Giocondo). It is a half-length portrait painting. The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings in the whole entire world. It is in the Louvre in Paris (France). Isn't it mysterious how the Mona Lisa is in real life? Did you know that a writer accused the Mona Lisa of being a Vampire! Creepie right? It was also stolen by VINCENZO PERUGIA (Vincenzo Perugia), he kept the Mona Lisa in his apartment for 2 years and then try to sell it, but he was caught he was put in jail just for one or two months because he was a hero for Italy and people convinced the government to let Vincenzo Perugia go, and they did. The reason he stole this beautiful artwork (the Mona Lisa) was that he wanted the Mona Lisa in a museum in Italy and the painting was in France (Paris). So, he switched the real Mona Lisa for a fake one and put the real one under his coat and went out when the Louvre (in Paris in France) closed, even a movie was created about how he stole the Mona Lisa do you want to watch it?  

Challenges! Despite the wonderful things Leonardo Da Vinci did for us he still faced many challenges for example he had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)and dyslexia, a lack of formal education, financial difficulties, political unrest, criticism, and rejection. Through his determination and creativity Leonardo da Vinci became one of the greatest artists, inventors, engineers, and scientists in history and in the whole entire world. His art continues to inspire people all over the world like you or me. Leonardo Da Vinci made people sad and even happy by showing emotions by just drawing an Oran invention like the flying machine or in other words the ornithopter. 

Leonardo Da Vinci is a great person. I think that you should admire Leonardo Da Vinci for what he did.  Now I hope that you understand that Leonardo Da Vinci is a hero that helped the world invent, engineer, and draw.  

Page created on 2/13/2024 10:52:15 AM

Last edited 3/7/2024 6:06:22 PM

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