Levi Coffin was a man not very known but helped a lot in the slaves society. He was a very brave and determined man. Levi Coffin was American Quaker, abolitionist, businessman, and humanitarian. Levi Coffin was October 28, 1789 in New Garden and died in September 16, 1877 in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States. At a young age, Coffin loves to help his community. He wanted to become a teacher and he taught many of the people at his hometown. At the time he had friends that were runaway slaves. By being friends with them he wanted to help them escape slavery.A hero must posses brave and determination because if the hero is scared and not determined or is scared to take risks than he/she is not going to do any good.Levi coffin has bravery and determination because he risked a lot to help the enslaved people escape and he was determined to help them escape.
There are a lot of criteria that fit Levi Coffin but the one that I think best fits him is bravery. Bravery fits Coffin because he took a lot of risks helping the slaves and he wasn’t scared. “Coffin, already a friend of runaway slaves, sought means for helping them” (Encyclopedia of World Biography, Gale). This move is very brave because by helping the enslaved African Americans than that would mean the white people would hate him even more and would most likely kill him. Coffin risked a lot for helping enslaved people escape but he also risked helping enslaved people get education. “white neighbors, who discouraged friendly slaveholders from permitting their slaves to attend its sessions” (Encyclopedia of World Biography, Gale). This was a brave action because the white people didn't like what Coffin was doing and giving slaves education. They could get mad and they could kill him. Overall I think bravery is the best fit for Coffin because he risked and lot and that is clouding his life.
Levi Coffinhttps://www.waynet.org/levicoffin/Coffin was a very brave man that took a lot of risk but he also was determined in everything he did. Coffin risked a lot because he was so determined and he knew there could be bad consequences to his actions.“Culled from the reminiscences of two abolitionists who worked on the Underground Railroad, these stories are firsthand accounts of a number of perilous escapes by slaves and the rescue efforts of a handful of committed "station masters"(fleeing for freedom). This quote shows that Levi Coffin was determined to free the slaves and working hard to make the underground tunnel. Coffin also was determined to help the enslaved get a better education. “In 1821, together with his cousin Vestal Coffin, he organized at New Garden a Sunday-school for negroes”(Encyclopedia of World Biography, Gale). This quote shows that Coffin is determined to help the African Americans get education and have a better life. Overall Levi Coffin was a very determined person. He was determined to help the slaves get a better life.
Levi Coffinhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levi_CoffinLevi Coffin has bravery and determination because he risked a lot to help the enslaved people escape and he was determined to help them escape.Coffin took a lot of risks such as his life but he didn’t care because he was so determined. Levi Coffin inspires me and others because he took so many risks to help people get better lives and he was so determined to help the people and I think that’s why he inspires so many people.
World Biography, Gale. “WikiVisually.com.” WikiVisually, 17 Jan. 2019, wikivisually.com/wiki/Thomas_Corwin_Mendenhall.
"Levi Coffin." Dictionary of American Biography, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1936. Biography In Context, https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/BT2310015848/BIC?u=powa9245&sid=BIC&xid=a6d5e7de. Accessed 29 Jan. 2019. )
Flanagan, Margaret. "Coffin, Levi and Still, William. Fleeing for Freedom: Stories of the Underground Railroad as Told by Levi Coffin and William Still." Booklist, 15 Dec. 2003, p. 722. Biography In Context, https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A111979783/BIC?u=powa9245&sid=BIC&xid=718ac7eb. Accessed 18 Jan. 2019.
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Last edited 1/31/2019 1:55:12 AM