
Louis Zamperini, The Torrance Tornado

by Samuel Mahjouri from California in United States

We want something bigger than us...special effects-laden lessons through which we can hope to look at humanity and do a little better in human-world” (Doll). Doll insists in his persuasive article “On the Importance of Having Superheroes,” that heroes have a crucial role in today’s society; heroes are able to mainstream positive morals into society. Their ability to influence and sway people’s decisions comes from their distinct qualities. Heroes are people who have ascended by means of morals, thoughts and actions; they are what the average person will strive to be. However, there has been a misconception in today’s society, that all celebrities on social media are analogous to heroes. Celebrities such as: athletes, actors, people who are just famous, or people who possess wealth. These celebrities are idolized because of their shallow and mostly tangible properties: size, looks, cash, etc. Unfortunately, the people who are attached to these famous and incredibly heroic figures forget about the truth of heroism; heroism is intrinsic. A true hero is someone such as: a parent who works hard to provide for their family; someone who, instead of standing, tries to save someone who has gone into cardiac arrest; someone who is able to make others feel good about themselves, someone who is able to talk another out of self-harm. A hero, most certainly, does not need to be rich or famous; it is a person’s actions that will define them as a hero, not their assets. Every true hero exemplifies courage in situations that the normal person would not be able to handle: someone standing up against a bully, a police officer saving civilians held hostage, a soldier fighting for their country. Another quality that every hero possesses is their ability to overcome any adversity. Some heroes may face: poverty, discrimination, physical/mental abuse, etc. However, a hero is able to overcome these challenges and live to show others that they can also prevail against these hardships. Louis Zamperini can be defined as a hero because he has demonstrated the traits defined as one.

134117Louis Zamperini during World War Two“Young Louis Zamperini was bad news. He was angry and rebellious. He had a taste for alcohol and a penchant for fighting. The police always seemed to be chasing him for something. Back in those days, his future looked pretty grim” (Jacobs, Martin). Louis Zamperini was born in Oleans, New York in the year 1917. He was born to a family of Italian immigrants, who, shortly after his birth, decided that they would move to Torrance, California. Growing up, Zamperini was the definition of mischievous. Zamperini was notorious for getting into fights, stealing, drinking alcohol and being a troublemaker. He had a short temper, which came from always bullied for his Italian heritage. Although Zamperini did come from a poor family, he stole not because he had to, but because he enjoyed it. Overall, Zamperini’s future was not looking good. However, Zamperini’s older brother, Pete, was able to influence Zamperini to join the high school track team. Unbeknownst to Zamperini, his career in track would take him far. Zamperini set a high school mile record time; he was accepted into the University of Southern California, where he would improve as a runner and later qualify for the 1936 Berlin, Olympics (Louis Zamperini). Although every hero is a hero for their own reasons, they have similarities; their courage and their ability to overcome adversities. It is from their courage that a person would be able to embody heroism, to do more than the normal; Zamperini is a fine example of someone who has done more than what is normal. Louis Zamperini is not a hero because of his celebrity-like status as an Olympic runner, he is a hero because he was able to overcome life-threatening adversities and show courage.

134124Zamperini during World War Two having overcame so many challenges has inspired others, which makes him a hero for his ability to have such an impact in society. In Unbroken, Hillenbrand quotes Zamperini’s sister that displays Zamperini’s tenacity when facing a challenge: “‘He could have ended the beatings by running away or succumbing to tears, but he refused to do either. You could beat him to death,’ said Sylvia, and he wouldn't say 'ouch' or ‘cry.’ He just put his hands in front of his face and took it” (4). Hillenbrand uses the imagery of Sylvia’s words to summarize how Zamperini chooses to deal with his problems; which is by simply enduring the pain. Rather than complaining or giving up, Zamperini pushes through until the end; Zamperini’s resilience is what makes him a hero; while most others would give up and surrender themselves, Zamperini persists until the very end. People can learn from Zamperini that they need to commit and push through whatever challenges they are facing. Zamperini’s early life was not the best due to his family facing economic problems; however, Zamperini was able to push through that and pursue a successful career in running: “He joined the track team and soon became a standout athlete. He set a national high school record for running the mile. He attended the University of Southern California” (Gale Biography). Zamperini faced poverty throughout his childhood, and because of this condition, he resorted to theft and other petty crimes. However, Zamperini learned how to overcome this challenge by starting his career in running, which led to his ultimate success. In this example, Zamperini prevails against his battle with poverty. Rather than choosing to be a criminal, Zamperini was able to build a career from running. Zamperini’s ability to overcome his beginnings is what connects him to being a hero; because he fought through his, from the beginning, state of poverty. From taking on a challenge, Zamperini showed the world that if he can succeed, others can as well. Zamperini contributes to society by inspiring people.

Even as a prisoner of war, Zamperini manages to show courage against unimaginable terrors, which is why he is a hero. After learning about Zamperini’s reputation as an Olympic runner, the prison guards threatened to torture Zamperini if he did not record propaganda against the USA: “‘Sasaki tried to recruit me to broadcast anti-American propaganda, but I declined. To break my spirit, he then ordered me to run a relay against well-fed Japanese runners. Despite my near-skeletal condition, I prevailed’” (Jacobs, Martin). Zamperini refused to promote anti-American propaganda even though he knew the punishments that would follow after. Zamperini chooses to suffer instead of berate his country; this displays Zamperini’s courage because even though he knows what will happen if he refuses to record the propaganda, he chooses to anyway. After years of being subjected to torture, Zamperini is able to find and forgive those who harmed him: “The following year he traveled to Japan. Many of those who had beaten and tortured him were in prison, serving time for their war crimes. Zamperini offered forgiveness” (Gale Biography). Zamperini’s actions demonstrate that he was able to forgive someone who had harmed him so terribly, after years of dealing with trauma. It must have taken an immense amount of courage for Zamperini to forgive, face-to-face, those who had abused him. From a quality like this, Zamperini is a hero. He demonstrates to society that if he can do something as nerve wracking as this, so can they. Zamperini’s courage is a quality that defines him as a hero. It is because he does not only show courage against physical struggles but also mental.

134120Louis Zamperini in 2015 people mistake Zamperini for something other than what he truly is. Some might think he is only an Olympian, a soldier, a survivor, a mentor--when really, Zamperini is a hero. Because Zamperini prevailed in the face of danger, and showed courage throughout his whole life (making a successful career from humble beginning, being a prisoner of war, and forgiving those who traumatized him), Zamperini has demonstrated the mental and physical courage required to be a hero, more than the normal person. Ever since I watched the movie Unbroken, Zamperini has been my hero. From him I have learned what it means to be tough. A silly example, but from 6th grade to 8th, I was stuck with practically a chunk of metal in my mouth. It was an orthodontic device that was meant to help correct my jaw, plus I had braces which made it much worse. This device restricted what food I ate, also how well I was able to pronounce my words and project my voice. The first few weeks of having the device were hard and very degrading, but after watching Unbroken, I felt otherwise. Zamperini faced much harder challenges and was able to push through, so I figured that I would be able to overcome practically having a “car” in my mouth. It was at the beginning of this year that I had that clunk of metal removed from my mouth, and here I am, with what I would say is a pretty decent set of teeth. With heroes to demonstrate ideals, society can become a better place. It is important that the right people are seen as heroes because a society’s values are their hero’s values. Heroes inspire people to be strong, and to continue fighting for what they believe in. It is important that everyone has their own hero, because they can find much knowledge from their hero.

Works Cited

Doll, Jen. “On the Importance of Having Superheroes.” The Atlantic, 7 May 2012. Web. 27 March 2019.

Hillenbrand, Laura. Unbroken. Penguin Random House LLC., 2010.

Jacobs, Martin. “Lucky Louie Zamperini.” America in WWII Magazine, June 2006,

“Louis Zamperini.”, A&E Networks Television, 1 Dec. 2014,

"Louis Zamperini." Gale Biography in Context, Gale, 2014. Biography In Context,


Page created on 5/21/2019 5:08:41 AM

Last edited 5/24/2019 5:56:09 PM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

The Unbroken Warrior: Louis Zamperini - Writer Hannah Wilson shares her admiration and knowledge of Zamperini
Louis Zamperini - The article summarizes Zamperini's running career and his accomplishments in track.