
Lulu the Potbellied Pig

by Tsering Dorjee from Chicopee, Massachusetts in United States

     This story is about Lulu the Potbellied Pig. Lulu is probably one of the smartest pigs in my opinion. It all started when Lulu's owner Jo Ann had a heart attack. The only people at home were Lulu, a dog, and their owner Jo Ann. Jo Ann suddenly collapsed onto the floor and did not know what to do. She could not call 911 because she could not move. Lulu basically knew this, so Lulu crawled out from the fence and played dead in the middle of the road. No one was driving by, but then a man driving his vehicle stopped and saw the pig. He rushed out of his car. Lulu then walked back to the house and the driver followed Lulu. When the driver so Jo Ann having a heart attack in her house, he quickly called 911. She was rushed to the hospital, where they performed open heart surgery on her. She is now alive all because of Lulu's actions. This shows that Lulu the Potbellied Pig is a hero. 

        Everything that Lulu did reflects her personality and how she is a hero. Lulu is a hero because without panic knew what to do and succesfully did it. She expected no reward and no praise. All she expected was for her owner to get better. I believe that she is a true hero because heroes do not do something for praise or to be thanked. They do it because it is the right thing to do. 


Page created on 11/19/2020 4:44:20 PM

Last edited 11/20/2020 4:13:37 AM

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