
Mattie Stepanek

Page created on 10/13/2008 1:28:35 PM

Last edited 10/13/2008 1:28:35 PM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Extra Info

Listen to the song inspired by Mattie and his poems!

Special thanks to David Alexander and the choir at St. Paul's Episcopal Day School, Kansas City for this touching song. Click below to download:

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Author Info

"Mattie Stepanek, six years old, has written several hundred poems. Mattie has somehow acquired more wisdom in his short life than most of us do after decades of living. He expresses wisdom in a way that touches your heart."

Mattie and his mother, Jeni, both suffer from a rare hereditary disease called mitochondrial myopathy. Mattie takes a portable oxygen tank on wheels with him wherever he goes. He has achieved a black belt in hapkido. With his enthusiasm for life Mattie charms everyone he meets.

Mattie Stepanek has published several best-selling books of poetry: Heartsongs, Journey Through Heartsongs, Celebrate Through Heartsongs, and Loving Through Heartsongs. Recently, the teenage country music sensation, Billy Gilman, released a CD entitled Music Through Heartsongs that features songs based on the poetry of Mattie. Everyday, Mattie touches the hearts of people worldwide as shown by the MY HERO guestbook entries devoted to this remarkable young man. MY HERO's relationship with Mattie Stepanek is a tremendous joy and we never cease in our prayers for his continued health.