
Mae Jemison

by Norah Shippit from Edmonton, Canada

124311Mae Jemison 

    Mae Jemison was the first African American to go to space. She was born on October 17, 1966, she is now 61. She was raised in Chicago by her mother Dorothy and her father Charles Jemison. Her siblings names are-Ada Jemison Bullock and Charles Jemison.

   In the early years of her life she lived in Decatur, Alabama, she moved to Chicago when she was 3. At school she spent most of her time in the library, reading the aspects of astronomy. She continued on to Morgan High School. In high school she decided she wanted to have the career of a biomedical engineer. She graduated with a scholarship to Stanford University. She participated in dance and theater productions. She entered into Cornell University Medical College, while she was there she got her M.D. Then she also went to the University of Southern California Medical Center.

    For two and a half years she was a Peace Corps medical  officer in Sierra Leone and Liberia. She also worked in Thailand at a refugee camp. Before she left to work in other parts of the world, she worked as a general practitioner. After working for many years, she decided she wanted to have a change in career. She decided to follow her dream she had had for a long time… an astronaut.

   Later she applied for an admission for NASA astronaut training, the CHALLENGER disaster delayed the training for everyone. A year later she applied again, she was one of the 15 candidates from about 2,000!

    On June 4,1987 she became the first African American astronaut. She earned the title of: Science Mission Specialist. On September 12, 1992 she went to space on the Endeavour Mission STS47, with six others.

    She has been given many awards and honors. She to this day is Dr. Mae jemison.


                                                                         By: Norah




Page created on 5/14/2018 3:14:23 PM

Last edited 5/16/2018 11:34:56 PM

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