

by Pyper Wilde from Cochrane, Alberta in Canada

“When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.”

138248Adjective WebPyper WildeThe reason why I choose Malala for my hero is that even though she could have been killed, she still stood up for girls’ rights and freedoms. I think that any girl, like myself, would think of her as a hero. The book I read [I Am Malala] is an autobiography, which is a book that the person wrote about their life. My book is 230 pages long. The book covers the time when Malala was a very young girl until she became a young adult. This book was first printed in the USA, in January 2016. When the Taliban was in control of Swat, Pakistan, Malala wrote in a diary about what was going on in Swat, but when her father was talking to the TV crew, he accidentally spilled the beans.

138321Malala portraitBy Pyper WildeMalala was born in Swat, Pakistan on July 12, 1997. Malala's father was the principal of her school, and her mother stayed at home to do housework. When her brothers were little, she cared for them. Malala was interested in having a good education. The people who influenced Malala were her mother and father, who encouraged her to keep trying. Malala's dream was to become a teacher or a doctor when she grew up. When Malala was younger, the Taliban took control of Swat.

138322Malala giving a speechBy Pyper WildeIf girls were seen going to school, they could be killed on sight, because the Taliban didn’t want girls to become educated. They feared that girls would threaten their power if they became educated. Malala secretly still went to school but was never caught. One day when Malala was going to school, the Taliban boarded her school bus. When the Taliban came on the bus, they went from girl to girl with a gun and asking “Who is Malala?” When they saw her, they shot her in the head, hoping that they would end her life, but Malala was rushed to a hospital in England and returned to health. Later Malala went on TV and told the world what was happening in Swat. I think that talking to the world made Malala feel more confident with herself. I think three qualities that Malala has are that she fought (not with guns, but with words) against the Taliban. Two, she cried out for her family, friends, and even strangers. Three, she was brave and had a kind heart. One of the weaknesses that Malala had when she was younger was that she thought her skin was too dark and tried to lighten it each day. A lot of people know that Malala was shot in the head by a Taliban soldier when she was on a school bus with her friends, and when English leaders heard this, they sent help to Pakistan and rushed her to a hospital in England. That's how she survived. Malala was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on the 10th of October, 2014. I was five back at the time.

I was surprised to learn that Malala tried to lighten her skin. If I could ask her three questions, they would be: Was it really scary to walk to school? What was it like to get shot in the head? Was it scary to go on TV when the Taliban could be watching? I wouldn't want to be Malala's child, not that she is bad, it's just that I would be afraid that the Taliban might try to take revenge on me. I liked this book because it made me feel like I was in Swat when the Taliban were in control. It was also well-described and was fun to read. I learned that one day, when Malala was in school, the ground started to shake and she and her fellow students and teacher all ran outside where their eyes met a lovely sight. I was raining candy from American helicopters! The helicopters were there to fend off the Taliban. One of the experiences that Malala had was when she was shot. One of the experiences that Malala and I share is that I could not find my brother once (for her, both of them), but it was not dangerous to go outside and look for him. What happened to my brother is that when he was little he walked out the door with only underwear on and dragging his sled in the middle of summer! For Malala, they could not find her brothers after school. I think that people would like to read this book because it is about a real person, it has a mix of emotions, and I also think that Malala took care while writing this book. I am happy that I choose Malala for my hero because I learned some things that I had never knew before. I think that Malala is a great role model because she risked her life for her country, for her people and for girls around the world.   

Page created on 1/29/2020 4:41:56 PM

Last edited 2/7/2020 9:25:34 PM

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