
Marcus Luttrell

by Koe Bennett from San Diego, California in United States

120898Marcus Luttrell

Imagine being faced with a dilemma that can endanger the well being of you and your team or the lives of two innocent goat herders. That's exactly what petty officer Marcus Luttrell and his team of highly trained Navy SEALs faced during operation Red Wings. “On the night of June 27, 2005, with a sense of dread creeping over him, Luttrell and his fellow SEALs--Michael Murphy, Matthew Axelson and Danny Dietz--headed out for a recon mission in a dangerous part of Kunar province near the Pakistani border” (Schneiderman).The team was moving through a hilly area when they suddenly noticed a herd of goats and their owners. The team faced a conflicting dilemma of what to do with them. They could let the goat herders back and risk the chance of the Taliban finding out the teams location, or execute the herders and be faced with punishment for breaking military rules. The team although conflicted decides to return the herders. Unfortunately the herders notified local Taliban authority about the incident. With little notice Taliban soldiers began firing at the SEALs. Taliban forces push back the SEALs, and slowly begin picking them off. Even through the countless wounds Marcus continued to fight on and was able to get away and be rescued. A hero must possess traits of selflessness and courage. Being courageous and selfless is allowing for one to risk his or her life for someone else or something else. Marcus Luttrell is a hero due to his act of selflessness and courage during his encounter with the Taliban.

120899Luttrell pictured in uniform to the right Luttrell is a hero due to his selfless character. For example, “Luttrell and one other team member voted to let the goat herders go free, one team member voted to execute them, and one abstained” (Baker and Taylor). Luttrell and his team are put into a hard decision when they run into the herders. Unlike the other 2 members of the team, Luttrell and another vote to free the innocent herders. The SEALs knew exactly that letting the herders go would be a huge risk to the operation. However, even knowing the risks, Luttrell decides to free the innocent herders. Luttrell chose to save the lives of two innocent men over his own life. To add on, “Luttrell was injured during the battle and eventually knocked unconscious by a mortar shell” (NBC). After watching all of his friends die in front of him, Luttrell was blasted away by an enemy mortar into a canyon. Luttrell and his team sacrificed their lives in order to protect people from evil. Luttrell’s willingness to risk his life for other people show that he is a hero.


Luttrell’s courage is also what helps depict him as a hero. Luttrell was able to escape from the enemy but with severe injuries. “When darkness fell, the SEAL started walking. He was exhausted, scared and dying of thirst, but he pushed on. The next day, he wrote, he stumbled upon a waterfall, where he drank a bit and cleaned his wounds” (Schneiderman). Most people decide to just give up when the odds are not in their favor. However Luttrell continued to keep pushing himself to fight despite the condition his body was in. Despite losing all hope Luttrell’s will to fight demonstrates the excessive amount of courage he has. Marcus Luttrell is not just a hero because of his courageous character during battle. For example, Marcus Luttrell stayed on the line with a 911 operator as he tried to catch the fleeing suspects during the 40-mile chase that reached speeds of over 100 mph” (The Associated Press). Luttrell chased after the suspects eventually helping police arrest the two suspects. Luttrell displayed courageous character when he pursued the suspects. Even through all the mental and physical damage Luttrell went through, he was able to step up to the plate and put his life on the line yet again to bring about justice. Luttrell’s ability to overcome fear best describe how his courage makes him a hero.  


Selflessness and courage is why Marcus Luttrell is a hero. Marcus Luttrell protected his country and his people through his selfless actions on the field. His acts of courage when facing the enemy have proven that he is a symbol of character. Marcus Luttrell has touched and inspired many others. Marcus Luttrell inspires us because Luttrell teaches us the lesson of never giving up and fighting to the last breath. Luttrell’s experience helped us understand what attributes make up a hero. Every person has someone they look up to. For many Luttrell is a role model and hero. But a hero isn't defined by just selfless or courageous character. Heroes are only heroes if we choose them to be. Heroes aren't all tall, strong, and smart. But it's the little acts of character that touches people, that's what a hero is.

Page created on 2/15/2018 5:53:23 PM

Last edited 8/25/2018 3:58:57 PM

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