Margaret Mead
My Passion:
Appreciation of international cultural diversity.
Image courtesy of World Council
During my lifetime, I was an anthropologist, lecturer and writer. I strove to educate people about the
importance of the family unit, the nurturing of our children, and the preserving and cherishing of diversity.
I also sought to heighten awareness of the full range of human potential for all cultures around the globe.
Margaret Mead Notable Quotes:
“As the traveller who has once been from his home is wiser than the one who has never left his own doorstep,
so a knowledge of another’s culture should sharpen our ability to scrutinize more steadily,
and to appreciate more lovingly, our own.”
“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.”
“Just remember you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.”
“Knowledge joined to action – knowledge about what a man has been and is – can protect the future.
There is hope, in seeing the human adventure as a whole and in the shared trust
that knowledge about mankind, sought in reverence for life, can bring life.”
“Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world,
indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”
“One of the oldest human needs is having someone to wonder where you are
when you don't come home at night.”
“Never ever depend on governments or institutions to solve any major problems.
All social change comes from the passion of individuals.”
“The notion that we are products of our environment is our greatest sin; we are products of our choices.”
“I measure success in terms of the contributions an individual makes to her fellow human beings.”
Page created on 6/30/2021 7:04:36 PM
Last edited 6/30/2021 7:37:55 PM